I use a VB DLL in which I have written code to form DB Connection String (read from the registry)
This logic is written in a subroutine (public) in a modlue of the project.
I call this subroutine from Class_Initialize of the Class File.
When instantiate this DLL in another project and...
You were spot on! There was some junk character in the data (in DBMS). I found out it is ascii(10). (God knows what!).
Once I use Replaced it with "", now it works fine.
Thanks a ton!
I have a server side array (VBScript). I pass data from this Server side array to a client side array
For intRow = 1 to Ubound(arrMlt,1)
For intCol = 1 to UBound(arrMlt,2)
arrCMlt(<%=intRow%>, <%=intCol%>) = "<%=arrMlt(intRow, intCol)%>"
Exactly. The user should be able to see the XLS file without having to type in the UID. In any case even if click cancel on that dialog it opens the file.
I am facing a problem in opening an XLS file available in the webserver.
Let us say I have File1.XLS in server SERV1 in the following Virtual Path. http://SERV1/MyPath/File1.XLS.
I have the following piece of code in my ASP Page (Client side javascript)
var Server_Address =...
We have to display the contents in a webpage. When the user selects a value from a multiselect list box a Stacked Bar Chart should display the contents in a portion of a page. (May be I can use a IFRAME)
The Chart will display Dates in X Axis and Values in Y Axis. Each date will have...
...OldAsset, CurrAsset, Status, InpSrlNo
FROM #Input
WHERE InpSrlNo = @InpSrlNo
SELECT @StackIdent = @@Identity
-- SELECT '#St after ins',* FROM #Stack
SELECT @InpSrlNo_Tmp = @InpSrlNo
SELECT TOP 1 @InpSrlNo = InpSrlNo
FROM #Input I
WHERE I.CurrAsset = (SELECT OldAsset FROM...
Thanks for response...
If you see the differece between 11 and 12 it is the status..
Former is cancelled (CAN) and the later is confirmed (CON)..
Same is true of 14 and 15.
All the four records need to be shown in the output in the same order (apart from other records).
Thanks again for your...
There is only an identity column which serves the purpose of Primary key(system key). There is no user key. WHich means A1 can become A2, A2 can become A3 and A3 can become A1 and the whole cycle can repeat again.
This adds to the complexity.
If the user gives A3 as input I have to retrieve...
Your solution is for replacing the text in the script which is already generated.
I want to know if there is any setting in Enterprise Manager to supress this.
I am generating script for all the Stored Procedures in the DB.
I have the following text before each SP script.
How do I supress this?
Thanks in adavnce.
I have an application that has DLLs, ActiveX DLLs and SQL Script files as deliverables.
I have to write a deployer application in VB to install these deliverables in the host computer.
I can write code to deploy SQL Script files and DLLs.
But I need to create Package for the ActiveX...
I have a requirement to find the number of DML statements (SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE) in all Stored Procedures in a database.
Is there any way to get it quickly.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks Rob....
There are over 40000 SPs in our DB. Not sure if I am going to add WITH RECOMPILE in each one of them.
I will try with UPDATE STATISTICS....
But since this problem is not simulatable, I won't know the result immediately.
Any way, thank you so much for giving these...
I have been encountering this problem. But on an increased frequency off late.
A Stored Procedure which is not giving desired output. Say returns a wrong row or value in the recordset being returned.
When we take the text of the SP from the same database, using SP_Helptext and...
If any one has any idea to do this, will be helpful..
1. I am trying to connect to my SQL Server database using a DSN.
2. I have given UID/PWD (SQL Authentication) in my DSN and have given a default DB.
3. I am trying to execute the following code in VB
Dim oADO As ADODB.Connection...
...Documentation says,
"SQL Server supports both the SQL-92 outer join syntax and a legacy syntax for specifying outer joins based on using the *= and =* operators in the WHERE clause. The SQL-92 syntax is recommended because it is not subject to the ambiguity that sometimes results from the...
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