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Search results for query: *

  1. ajrimmer

    Help Needed - PDF Printing via command line

    Have you looked at the examples distributed with PDFCreator?
  2. ajrimmer

    Password Protect MS Access Project (.adp file)

    As lameid says it sounds like you've already got security of the data provided. If you just don't want people to change the adp then why not distribute it as a .ade?
  3. ajrimmer

    How to change the position of a legend in a chart using VBA?

    Somebody will come up with something neater but Sheets("Chart1").Activate ActiveChart.Legend.Top = 100 ActiveChart.Legend.Left = 100 should get you started
  4. ajrimmer

    Specify Printer Destination

    This is getting old but shows how to change printer. http://www.members.shaw.ca/AlbertKallal/msaccess/printch2k.zip
  5. ajrimmer

    Excel Formula Question

    Making some assumptions about data consistency... =LEFT(A1,FIND(",",A1)-1) =TRIM(MID(A1,FIND(",",A1)+1,LEN(A1)-FIND(",",A1)-(LEN(A1)-SEARCH("@",SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","@",LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","")))))))
  6. ajrimmer

    Visio Replacement

    M$ do a Visio Viewer if you only need to read the doc http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=d88e4542-b174-4198-ae31-6884e9edd524&displaylang=en
  7. ajrimmer

    query performance

    Have you installed SP2? Solved a couple of performance issues for me.
  8. ajrimmer

    Switchboard vs. Form for Main menu

    Personally, I stopped using the switchboard method a long time ago for anything but the simplest of solutions which need a quick (& temporary) answer.
  9. ajrimmer

    Some reports open really slow, sometimes.

    Are you using Access 2007? If yes, then installing SP2 could help.
  10. ajrimmer

    Using Enterprise Manager to mimic Queries in Access 2003

    You need M$ SQL Server Management Studio for SQL Server 2005. There's an "express" (free) version here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=C243A5AE-4BD1-4E3D-94B8-5A0F62BF7796&displaylang=en
  11. ajrimmer

    Why is code opening a Project in Read Only

    You say "opens the project again" - so are you opening up two instances of the front end at the same time? If a front end is already open (by the current or other user) then subsequent users will get a read only warning (which relates to changes to the front end, not the data on the server)...
  12. ajrimmer

    Access 2003 vs 2007

    Have you installed SP2? I had some speed issues with Access 2007 which improved dramatically with SP2.
  13. ajrimmer

    Moving database location

    You need to change the connection. In Access 2003 goto File - Connection & amend appropriately. If you're using Access 2007 it's a bit more complicated & is described here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306881
  14. ajrimmer

    Column alias

    Strange one. Don't know why that's happening. However, have you tried nesting select statements to get them in the order you want? eg SELECT Account, Month_Year FROM (SELECT BANK_NUMBER AS ACCOUNT, MONTH_YEAR FROM MYTABLE.... ) tblAlias
  15. ajrimmer

    acSendObject not sending email

    The 'True' you have at the end of the line relates to editing the email before sending it. so a change to DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "User", acFormatSNP, "user@test.co.uk", , , "ReportName", "Please find attached your Report.", , False will send the email without the option to edit (so...
  16. ajrimmer

    Remove the close button from Access 2000

    As well as stopping the use of the red X, I also have the following : (can't remember where I found any of this though & claim no originality on my part) Call ExitMenuState(false) 'Disable the Menu Option Sub ExitMenuState(blnExitState As Boolean)...
  17. ajrimmer

    spell check is very choosy

    Ill" (as in not well) will already be in the dictionary - you have a grammar error there (which I figure it's spotting), rather than a spelling error.
  18. ajrimmer

    Slow performance of a heavy VBA Access database in Access 2007

    Yes, I've got the same issue, particualarly with one report which is using a number of vba functions. I'm still pondering over a "better" solution (there must be one, just haven't worked it out yet).
  19. ajrimmer

    WORD or PowerPoint

    On this PC I have a small prog call "Screen Hunter" from somebody called Wisdom Soft. IIRC it's an old version (5.0) (so available free). The purpose of which is to capture a section of your screen (so ideal for cutting out just a single (or part) image). Work OK.

Part and Inventory Search
