Dear Perl11
If ASINH is not in your Fortran library (which it is probably not), then you can use this:
Hi again
I have Compacq Visual Fortran, and when I compiled your program i got the following "warnings" only !
But it is at least clear that the variable JJREP that appears in the following statement (in line 372), should be JJREB:
subroutine newpar(jjrel, jjchl, jjrep, jjchb, jjgmg)...
...(only "3f" instead if "3f12.3" or something like that)
bay.for(212) : error F2703: FILE= : not CHARACTER (variable NAME not specified as Character*32 for instance)
bay.for(372) : error F3606: NEWPAR : formal argument JJREP : type mismatch (JJPEP should be JJREB)
bay.for(500) : warning F4801...
Hi wellnis20
Do you mean that you want to find the first p so that 3**P >= n (equal or grater than n) ?
Then it might be something like this that you need:
program test_next_power_three
integer next_power_three
print *,'02 ->', next_power_three(2)
print *,'03 ->', next_power_three(3)
Hi ya0037
I don't think that the TIFF format is the same as BMP, but you can convert the TIFF file to a BMP file with some image converter, and then work on the BMP file.
...result into three files (111.txt, 333.txt and 444.txt).
You are welcome to use it or some parts of it.
Program BMP
implicit none
character*4000 str
character*24 skra,skraL,skraR
integer*4 lskra,lskraL,lskraR
integer*4 l,k,i,n,j,m,k1,k2,k3,ik1,ik2,ik3,mm
! integer*2...
Hi miki2012
There is a missing comma after gg(150) in the first line of the common statement. It should be:
common /vdc/ aa(150),bb(150),cc(150),dd(150),gg(150),
That explains the syntax error.
The code compiles fine in my Microsoft Fortran Optimizing Compiler Version 5.10
Hi again
Well, what I said above only applies to programs that I have already compiled, but got "divide by zoro" during runtime ...
but I see now that you got this during compilation ...
Hi alcantara20
In a case like this I usually put in a number of write statements in the program (here and there):
write (*,*) '01'
write (*,*) '02'
write (*,*) '03'
and continue to do so until I have located the statement where the error is.
Hi gmcke1
If you are building a Windows program, it is enough to put this into the resouce file (xxxx.RC), if I remember correctly:
Icon1 ICON Icon1.ICO
Icon2 ICON Icon2.ICO
Icon3 ICON Icon3.ICO
Icon4 ICON Icon4.ICO
Then all these icons will be displayed under Properties ... Change Icon ...
I also have this problem on my laptop computer running Windos XP with IE version 8.
The lines are OK for one second or so, but then become one line (and long programs unreadable).
Hi both
Once upon a time in the past it was simply done like this (with the '+' line control):
program pp
do i = 1,100
write(*,'(a,a11,i3)') '+','Values are ', i
Hi jpcgandre
Note that the "kmom" variable (with "m") in the Common is undefined (integer then), while you reclare "knom" (with "n") as real. That might be the reason why some of the "krot" values are lost.
real kmom, krot
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