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Search results for query: *

  1. guitarzan


    You can't assign a variable to a constant. Just use: VID = REQUEST.FORM("TITLE_") Dim VTX VTX = VID&".TXT" 'RESPONSE.WRITE(VTX) [highlight #FCE94F]Dim Filename Filename = VTX[/highlight] Or betterVID = REQUEST.FORM("TITLE_") Dim Filename Filename = VID&".TXT" 'RESPONSE.WRITE(Filename)
  2. guitarzan

    Change name not showing in user account

    True, my eyes skipped over it. Seems a much better workaround than what I was using.
  3. guitarzan

    Change name not showing in user account

    Greg: I've never heard of that method, I will have to try it. I use the instructions from the site below (which also only works during initial setup), which is basically to hit SHIFT-F10 during the setup to get a command prompt and running the command OOBE\BYPASSNRO which reboots the system and...
  4. guitarzan

    Client IP address in different subnet

    Maybe a wifi guest network using a different subnet?
  5. guitarzan

    Access DB Update slow for no reason

    ...Const sRoot = "U:\TaxReports\VB\" Dim ConnMDB Set ConnMDB = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") ConnMDB.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & sRoot & "\AccessReports.mdb;" Dim rs, sql Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") sql = "UPDATE AllProjects SET EfileFederal = '" &...
  6. guitarzan

    Vanity License Plates

    > I remember this being a regular feature here. It was in forum1256
  7. guitarzan

    Recording excel macro that sorts a dynamic range

    Thanks Skip. Yes I agree, but I was looking for a simplest possible method using macro recording only. Depending on what cells are selected, Excel sometimes will ask if you want to "expand the selection" when you try to sort. I tried that and several other ways, but no matter what it always...
  8. guitarzan

    Recording excel macro that sorts a dynamic range

    Thanks combo. Yes, I was hoping some workaround would have been possible for generic sorting, but it seems not!
  9. guitarzan

    Recording excel macro that sorts a dynamic range

    When I record a macro in Excel that includes sorting, the macro always hard-codes the cell range. So if I run the macro on another spreadsheet with more rows, it only sorts the top portion. Now, I know how to solve this with some VBA code, but I'm trying to demonstrate the value of recording...
  10. guitarzan

    Holding up for Ridicule

    This poor OP probably sees ting reviews, and essay writing reviews, and God knows what other reivews all day long and they have finally had enough!! When will youngsters learn? It may SEEM authentic (assuming they are human) and give form and all joy blah blah blah, but in the end... have they...
  11. guitarzan

    My vbscript only shows folders, not files. The script should zip en write the files in the folder.

    First, get rid of the "on error resume next", it suppresses errors (which doesnt help) Second, the CONST commands are totally wrong... and so much else... looks like multiple copy/pastes from other vbscript code?? What are you trying to do??
  12. guitarzan

    Insert fixed characters into alphanumeric string

    You didn't post any code, but if you had something like s = "There are 21 rocks in my collection -- 2 of them are quartz." ...there are ways to find the numbers and insert the <y> and </y>. But what do you mean about the cursor?
  13. guitarzan

    I'm looking to access an older Avay

    Yes wrong forum. forum690 looks right, or at the top of this page you can search for other forums available here.
  14. guitarzan

    Canon ir3300 will not print from a computer.

    But the PCL5 drivers DID work. Go figure. Thanks DrB0b!
  15. guitarzan

    Canon ir3300 will not print from a computer.

    That's just a batch of PPD files. No idea what to do with them.
  16. guitarzan

    Canon ir3300 will not print from a computer.

    Thanks for the fast reply! I did download from the page you linked to, used PCL6_v15.00_Set-up_x64.exe (computer has Win 7 64-bit). I will try uninstalling it and using the PPD driver PPD_v4.15Win.exe, see if it makes a difference.
  17. guitarzan

    Canon ir3300 will not print from a computer.

    I have a Canon ir3300 set up as a network device. Copying and Faxing works fine from the device, now I want to print to it from a computer. I downloaded the PCL6 drivers from Canon's site and installed it on a Win7 computer. It searched and found the printer on the network, it installed the...
  18. guitarzan

    Fortify Scan For Classic Asp Application - Issue

    Also don't cross-post without telling all sites where else you posted. It's rude. https://forums.iis.net/t/1239530.aspx
  19. guitarzan

    Fortify Scan For Classic Asp Application - Issue

    What kind of attack would you like to prevent?
  20. guitarzan

    ASP : Email Body UTF-8 Problem

    I don't know the answer, but since your code is pretty much all vbscript, I recommend also posting this question in the vbscript forum: forum329

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