That's normally for trunk groups - Priority is decided in the BUEND AMO and then you assign that priority to a key.
But for end users I think that it might need MLPP (Multi Level Precedence and Protection) - you tell the phone in SDAT what it's level is and you set it up in ZAND and ACSU AMO's -...
OpenScape 4000 V10 Volume 4 IP Solutions Service Documentation Issue 39 Check 2.11.1 General Description
The STMIX can be re-flashed in case the board is not booting or not becoming READY in RMX.
The process can also be used to factory reset an STMIX board. All customer saved data will be...
"-Is there no solution other than a hot line to send numbers directly to an analog trunk?"
It might be worth a try -
It may be that the HOTLN will not dial out directly but it will dial an extension so
add 99 as a float number and forward it to the desired destination and test
Money - some customers have multiple sites (100 or more sites) that's a lot of upgrades and money to upgrade all the sites.
They evolve and may move to OSV central platform - it depends - but end users will always require phones and if you can't get OptiSets/OptiPoints then the newer phones...
Yes, for instance you can add OpenStage 15 phones to HiPath 4000 Version 3 -
The V3 system was released long before the OpenStage phones
So, you have to make them 'backward compatible' to that system by setting the phone to be OptiPoint which the old system understands.
Also if you use CP210 on...
Ha - Ok ! - I remember now - ! - sorry about that
Here is the procedure for the Non-Display OpenStage 10
Plug in the phone to a working Digital Line
'The operating mode of an OpenStage 10 phone is changed via the 3 function keys.
1. Initially, all 3 LEDs of the function keys are off. Press the...
OK - Maybe there is a recommended way
But - I would start a new Duplex install
and then go to site with the new processor and hard disks
Shutdown the existing simplex - install the new processor, cables and hard drives and start up systems.
You will need to generate an XML from the existing...
My method - Probably wrong but it will work - would be to download a REGEN and other information from the Simplex and make a new Duplex off site.
How are you doing the migration ?
You can limit it - I've seen it in the iSDX Service Manual - which I've made avaialable for to download if you don't have it already.
If you check out the 'Hicom' FAQ at
you will get access to 'GigaTribe' and there you will see the Service Manual...
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