I need to insert strings into a TListBox with two characters that are a different color than the rest of the string.
For instance, if my string is "abcdefg", I want to add it to the ListBox with the 'abc' and 'fg' as black and the 'de' as red.
It doesn't necessarily have to be a TListBox...
...to the dataset.
Here's the code for the drag and drop from a TDBListBox to the TDBGrid...
void __fastcall TForm1::lstMenMouseDown(TObject *Sender,
TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
if (Button == mbLeft) // drag only if left button pressed
I have a DBGrid (dbgMatch) that displays the values in a table with two fields: Name and MatchType.
When I set the table to active, the grid fills with the data, as it should.
I fill one listbox with the names and another listbox with the match types so I can use drag and drop directly...
Thanks, Totte. I checked the placement of the #pragma hdrstop. ..it was in the same relative location as your example, so I tried moving it to the top of the file. It worked like a charm. Now I am going to go to the help files and books to learn what the hdrstop pragma is!
Thanks again...
My problem is I get the following message when I compile my code.
Cannot create pre-compiled header; write failed
The help file says that this occurs when the hard drive is full...I have 65GB available.
I am using BCB6 on a WinXP machine. I have my settings to use pre-compiled headers...
...and TMetafileCanvas to draw and save the graphics. Here is a snippet of my code that does this:
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
mfCanvas = new TMetafileCanvas(aMetafile, 0);
mfCanvas->Brush->Color = clRed;
delete mfCanvas...
Here is the easiest way I have found to extract the extension from the filename (assuming a 3 character extension):
newFileName = fileName.SubString(0, fileName.Length()-4);
I am new to component building and would like to create one that will draw a line at the bottom of the window then scroll up a few pixels and draw another line, etc.
I think I can do this by deriving from a TScrollingWinControl, but I need a TCanvas control to draw on. Herein lies my problem...
I had to reinstall my Borland Builder 5.0. Now when I try to compile I get a dialog box asking for the path to the proide.bpi file. It is nowhere on my disk (proide.bpl is, though). Can someone tell me what this package is, where I can find it, and why it didn't install?
My LJ-4V is attached to my W2K Workstation and shared over the local network. Everything was working fine until yesterday when I tried to print from Pagemaker. When I print, the entire page is shifted a half inch to the right, clipping the text on the right side. I tried printing a document...
I have a PageControl that I am trying to send to a printer using the PaintTo() method. My problem is the page gets printed very small (about 1.5 x 1 inch). I now have considerably less hair trying to figure a way to scale the printed page to the size of the paper. Can anyone shed some...
Does anyone know how to change the font for the Office2K Help files? Mine are very small (almost 1 pixel characters) and really hard to read. I searched (almost) everywhere for an option to change the font, but to no avail.
I'm going blind trying to read my help files (which I do a lot of lately).
Thanks GingerR,
It worked for one of the subforms but not the other. I couldn't find any difference between the two subforms that might cause this problem. I figured a workaround, though...I added the REMARKS fields to the subforms and made them invisible, then equated the Main form REMARKS...
I have two tables, each with a 'Remarks' field. Both tables are bound to sub-forms on my main form. Both sub-forms display multiple records. My screen space is limited, so I don't want/need to show the remarks for all the records displayed. I want to display only the remarks, in a text...
Start with the TMediaPlayer component. I think it will play DVD's.
Try setting DeviceType in the Object Inspector to either 'dtAutoSelect' or 'dtDigitalVideo'. The help files on TMediaPlayer were very helpful for me.
btw - if you figure out how to set the volume, let me know...
I assume you don't have an exit item in your menu.
You can set an action to not allow the window to close when the user tries to use the system menu Close item or Alt-F4.
Put the following line in the OnClose event of your main form:
Action = caNone;
Then the only way to close the...
This is a two part question...
I am writing a simple video viewer. I am using the TMediaPlayer component to play the videos. The first question is how can I change the playback speed of the file? I would think that if I changed the frames-per-second it would play faster or slower accordingly...
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