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  1. GSMike

    Using Excel files from MS Access...

    OK, got it. Use GetObject instead of CreateObject. It works. Answering my own questions here...just so no one else will waste their time!! Mike K
  2. GSMike

    Using Excel files from MS Access...

    OK, I had it, then I lost it. I did: Sub mike() dim xlApp as Excel.Application, xlWkb as Excel.Workbook set xlApp=CreateObject("Excel.Application") set xlWkb=xlApp.Workbooks("AlreadyOpen.xls") msgbox wkWkb.Worksheets.Count End Sub It worked the first time I tried it, and then...
  3. GSMike

    Using Excel files from MS Access...

    I have been using Excel for reporting from MS Access from some time...my "MO" has been as follows: Sub mike() Dim xlApp as New Excel.Application, xlWkb as Excel.Workbook set xlWkb=xlApp.Workbooks.Open(myPath & myFile) etc. etc. End Sub I need to know now, though, how to use an...
  4. GSMike

    Zipping files programmatically???

    Sounds great. Thanks, Ladyhawk. Nice handle, by the way. Mike K
  5. GSMike

    Zipping files programmatically???

    Is there a way to do this? So, a user clicks a button, and the command is issued for the computer to go to the designated file, zip it and copy it elsewhere (I can handle the "copy it elsewhere" part). Thanking you in advance, Mike K
  6. GSMike

    Registry changing batch file, Excel

    This one is tough (for me). I have a batch file that makes registry setting changes. It changes the type of files that Excel changes to when you save a file (95 vs. 2000). For some reason, we cannot make that change manually from within Excel (Tools > Options > Transition). I think our admins...
  7. GSMike

    Edit a PDF file??

    Thanks, derren! Mike K
  8. GSMike

    Edit a PDF file??

    Is there a way for a user to do this (when the user doesn't have Acrobat, just has Reader)?? Like via MS Word, Excel, etc.? Is it possible to edit a pdf file if you have Adobe Acrobat? If so, is it edit-friendly, or is it kind of like editing an HTML page, kind of ugly and all. Thanking you in...
  9. GSMike

    Wow...Pop-up form...frustrated..

    I have a pop-up form that I want to grow and shrink, based on how many records are being displayed. The form is set to Continuous Forms. The form I am working with keeps wanting to pop up in the same size that it is while in design mode. The thing is, it is working in another application that I...
  10. GSMike

    Batch files...

    I am using a batch file in my startup folder to load programs whenever a user logs one. I have: usrmgr winfile Problem is, when it hits the first line, it loads that application, and then the dos command line screen just freezes, and the second application never loads. If I put the second line...
  11. GSMike

    Obtaining list of file...

    Thank you, kieren. I think we both arrived at the solution simultaneously. I appreciate your help. Mike K
  12. GSMike

    Obtaining list of file...

    Just got it..in case anyone else is interested, here you go: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/modcore/html/deconreturningfilesfromfilesystem.asp I couldn't make a reference that understood the ScriptingDictionary variable, so I just deleted all references to it...
  13. GSMike

    Obtaining list of file...

    Using the dir function, I can obtain the list of files in a specified folder: sub myproc() dim mypath as string, myfile as string mypath="c:\" myfile=dir(mypath) do until myfile="" msgbox myfile myfile=dir loop end myproc What I am having a tortuous experience with is...
  14. GSMike

    Accessing files via UNC...

    Can anyone tell me how to create, read, write to, etc. files in VB using the UNC, instead of the drive mappings? Currently, I do things like, sub mike() dim fso as new filesystemobject, ts as textstream set ts=fso.createtextfile("q:\temp.txt") ts.writeline "this is a test&quot...
  15. GSMike

    Disconnecting network drives....using IWshRunTimeLibrary.IWshNetwork

    This question is related to another post I just made, "Using batch file to map, unmap drives..." in that, I was have problems mapping and unmapping drives using IWshRunTimeLibrary.IWshNetwork, so I opted to use batch files. Then I hit a roadblock there, too. So we're back to...
  16. GSMike

    Using batch file to map, unmap drives...

    I am using: sub mysub() dim fso as new filesystemobject, ts as textstream set ts=fso.createtextfile("c:\temp\temp.bat") ts.writeline "net use q: /delete" ts.close shell("c:\temp\temp.bat",vbhide) end sub The question is, how do you write a batch file so that it...
  17. GSMike

    change size field in vba

    Hans, Which table has the double data-type field, the source data or the destination? In what format is the source data; i.e., Is it an Access table, a text file, a spreadsheet, etc.? Also, how can the number look like ##.00000, when the data type is to be long integer? Long integer doesn't...
  18. GSMike

    Excel Application Object

    That looks great. I had often wondered how to add a workbook to an already existing instance of Excel. Question is, will it work for me. I'll try it out and give you a report back. Thanks for your help! Mike K
  19. GSMike

    Using a bat file to map network drives

    that looks right on...THANKS!!!...I'll try it and give you a report back! Mike K
  20. GSMike

    Excel Application Object

    I tried that and got an error message. So then I tried set xlapp=nothing. I didn't get any error messages, but it also didn't have any effect on NT Task Manager. Thanks for the suggestion. Mike K

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