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Search results for query: *

  1. Krishna751204

    ASP links

    Check the local help on your system http://localhost/iishelp or http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/nhp/default.asp?contentid=28000522
  2. Krishna751204

    Image file Path problem.....

    Is your REPORTS60_PATH is set to the folder where you placed the rdf file and bmp file while compiling the report? Do not use the browse button in Source File property link. type the file name with extension only. Regards Krishna Reddy M mckreddy@visualsoft-tech.com
  3. Krishna751204

    Image file Path problem.....

    Hi, In the property palette of Link File, set the Source FileName to the image file name with out any path information. When ever you are running reports place the rep file and image file in the same folder. It will solve your problem. Regards Krishna Reddy M mckreddy@visualsoft-tech.com
  4. Krishna751204

    How to suppress / display parameter form in Reports 6i

    We can pass user defined values to Reports by using parameter form. In some cases we donot want the parameter form to display while running the reports. To suppress / display the parameter form follow the following steps. I) To supress the Parameter form...
  5. Krishna751204

    Trying to display the null values

  6. Krishna751204

    ASP Requirements

    Hi, Check the following articles on How to use Indexing Service with Asp. These articles will solve your problem to some extent. http://www.asp101.com/articles/john/indexserver/default.asp http://www.asp101.com/articles/john/indexserver/part2.asp...
  7. Krishna751204

    Server controls don't appear

    Browse the webform page using http://servername/projectname/webformname.aspx and check the server controls are displaying. If you opened your webform page in the same way, on the broswer, right click --> View Source. Check the source code any of the <asp:> tags are present. If these tags are...
  8. Krishna751204

    parameter gets passed to parameter form

    To Maximize the reports,pass the value 'Yes' to 'MAXIMIZE' parameter while calling the report. Add_Parameter(ParamlistName,'MAXIMIZE', TEXT_PARAMETER, 'YES'); Regards Krishna Reddy M mckreddy@visualsoft-tech.com
  9. Krishna751204

    Trying to display the null values

    Your sql query seems to be correct if the group by clause is present. Test the following three cases to identify the problem. 1. Modify the Where condition as follows and check either the desired records are coming. WHERE TABLENAMES.IDEING(+)=TABLEAPPNO.IDERES 2. Modify the select statement...
  10. Krishna751204

    passing parameters to report

    Open the Report. In the reports menu, select Tools --> Prarameter Form Builder. DeSelect the parameters which does not need to display before report running. Press "Ok". A warnning message displays, Press "Yes" to replace the existing Parameter form. Select the remanining labels ("Report...
  11. Krishna751204

    passing parameters to report

    Hi tyb, Following is the code we will using in Oracle forms to call the report and pass the parameters to report. This code is written in the form wile calling Oracle Reports. ------------------------------- Declare CLIENT_PARAM_LIST PARAMLIST; lv_vcVariableName VarChar2(50); Begin...
  12. Krishna751204

    ASP Requirements

    Its best to move ASP.Net instead of Asp. As ASP.NET has more features and the syntax is similar to Cold Fusion. And have more advantages than Cold Fusion. I worked on Cold Fusion 4.5 version. To run asp, Internet Information Server (IIS) or Personnal Web Server (PWS) is needed. These servers...
  13. Krishna751204

    Reports6i: How to set default Paper Size (A4, letter..) in Reports

    Thanks for the information. The problem is solved. Regards Krishna Reddy M mckreddy@visualsoft-tech.com
  14. Krishna751204

    Remove page break

    In the layout model select the margin view and remove the left, right,top and bottom margins. Regards Krishna Reddy M mckreddy@visualsoft-tech.com
  15. Krishna751204

    Reports6i:Developing reports of different size(Pre-Printed Stationary)

    Thanks for the information. The problem is solved by converting into character mode report and setting the layour section. I am generating *.PRN file and using host commond we are sending the output to the printer. Thanks to all. Regards Krishna Reddy M
  16. Krishna751204


    The first thing to check would be that you have enough temporary space. This error usually occurs if you run out of temp space. Make sure that the REPORTSXX_TMP var is set to a writable dir with lots and lots of space and see if that resolves the problem.
  17. Krishna751204


    If you are using any gif files in the report remove it and run. There is no support for transparent and interlaced .GIFs over the web. Remove the transparent fill of the GIF file and the report will run.
  18. Krishna751204

    passing parameters to report

    ...In your select statement use that variable as follows. Use the ":" before the parameter name. you can pass the parameter from forms are reports depending upon your requirement. Select * from TableName where fieldName = :UserParameter Regards Krishna Reddy M mckreddy@visualsoft-tech.com
  19. Krishna751204

    Trying to display the null values

    Hi Shaleen, Is the query is working without group by function? If not add the goup by clause in the query. Regards Krishna Reddy mckreddy@visualsoft-tech.com
  20. Krishna751204

    Changing USER in Report

    ...emp table in scott user. meens emp table is created in scott user. Step 1. In your reports sql coding use the following sql statement select * from scott.emp Step 2. give grant permission to all other users for the required objects(tables, views, stored procedures) in the following manner...

Part and Inventory Search
