the second suggestion is exectly what i am looking for
OrderNo: 55 Costumer: SomeGuy
bound Subform:
car car1
motorbikes motor1
what kind of a "fancy conditional formatting"...
thanks for fast reply Remou!
Yes, you are correct, but the subform itself shows you records only for induvidual group.
I would like to how all groups and all products for each group in one subeform for one Order (linked by master and child): so,
OrderNo: 55 Costumer: SomeGuy...
i got that, the reports are more flexible with this and that there is no function for sorting and grouping like there is one in reports. But is there a way around? To somehow simulate this in forms?
Like, i have continious subform in which i would like to show products by category - like...
thx for your replies ...you are great people!
i've gone behind the back into a pocket. so i split into to sections weeks-with same weekNo and months and then sum each.
well it did the job.
Help need it.
I have a crosstab query.
TRANSFORM Sum(Kontejner_sub.index_zahtevnosti_ctn) AS SumOfindex_zahtevnosti_ctn
SELECT Kontejner_sub.index_zahtevnosti_ctn, Kontejner_sub.datum_zacetka, Projekt.prodajalec
FROM (Kupec INNER JOIN Projekt ON Kupec.IdKupec = Projekt.IdKupec) INNER JOIN...
It is like this;
i have a combo with value list 1-52 - represent the weekno.
when user selects it in a textbox i need to return a month and a current year for this. couse i need to pull and sum the data (to check free capacty ) for choosen week and month.
So far all looks ok. The problem is in...
...As Integer)
Dim datDate As Date
Dim temp As Date
If IsMissing(YearNo) Then YearNo = Year(date)
datDate = DateSerial(YearNo, 1, 1) + (weekno - 1) * 7
temp = datDate - Weekday(datDate, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek) + 1
DateFromWeekNo = Format(temp, "myyyy")
End Function
I used this function and it is...
I have numbers 1-52 in combobox
when number selected i would like in other textbox to return month & (system)year
I have tried lots of variation with datediff, dateadd, and on forums i can find just to return specific date with week day also...but i don't need that.
any idea?
I would consider placing both a ProjectID and ContainerID field in the spare parts table. tblContainer would have a ProjectID. These "foreign" key fields could be blank.
no it' can't be blank.
have main form. On the main form i have
1. Listbox (Com_list) with all containers for that...
hi fellaz,
i have been of for few days. Thanks for your replays.
You are both right. I will try to work around this, but may need additional help later. I will let you know how it goes.
yes, sorry i wasn't clear!
the code for dblcl event works, but my original idea is
when new record is created, all fields are blank, couse all get values after txtbox1 is filled(with date picked from calendar)
other let.us.say txtbox2 then should get defaullt value based on what is in txtbox1 --...
yes, this looks like a nice solution, but what about then when user inputs the date with the calendar ...whatever dates he inputs it has to be -2 days?
What should i do then?
the problem is:
when i put this function on default control of txtbox = DateAdd("d";-2;[txtfield1])
it does nothing, but should get some date from txtfield1 -2.
both txtboxes are bound, couse there have to be an option of manual entry
i have a bound txtfield1 where user enter date with calendar form
then i have a txtfield2 where the default value should be
= DateAdd("d";-2;[txtfield1])
but with possibility to enter date also with calendar form.
It is bound control... so i guess that is why it is not working.
How to change...
yes, @Remou. I like the idea-it just might work.
And a question before trying. Do you think this code will still work for cbo on notinlist event?
Dim rsttabela As ADODB.Recordset
Dim intAnswer As Integer
intAnswer = MsgBox("Add " & NewData & " as new record?", _
vbQuestion +...
i strongly agree with you...and my other project's followed that lead. But this one is somehow different.
My problem is similar to this:
let us say you try to sell custom cars.
you offer client to pick up a part, up from many different parts from catalog, or make up his mind of his on (like...
Let us say then, i have just 3 tables
tblProject, tblContainer, tblSpare_parts
how to link this as described above?
couse: tblSpare_parts is dependent of tblContainer and tblContainer is dependent of tblProject,
tblSpare_parts is dependent of tblProject if there is no new container...
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