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Search results for query: *

  1. bigtamscot

    Help with compilation problem

    why do you have your includes strewn all over your program (between each function). The time structure is already declared within <time.h>. Are you are using a self made header file &quot;time.h&quot;. When you have an include within double quoytes the compiler looks for the header file in the...
  2. bigtamscot

    silly question

    Also the function works for any value from -42 million to +42 million. Hoping to get certified..in C programming.
  3. bigtamscot

    silly question

    I had a assignment in which i converted a double value to currency for a print report with a home made function. void monetary_balance (double bal_val, int flag) { const long test1 = 100000000L, test2 = 100000L, grand = 1000L, tun = 100L; long under100 = 0L, under1000 = 0L, undermill...
  4. bigtamscot

    wite a program in 'c'to add very la

    go on then do it, or do you expect us to do it for you???? Hoping to get certified..in C programming.
  5. bigtamscot

    Hi, I'm new to C. Can anyone sho

    Alternatively, you could go... void check (int number) { for( ; ;number++ ) if(number % 10 == 0) return; /* don't need a value here */ } Hoping to get certified..in C programming.
  6. bigtamscot

    cursor positioning command

    you could use gotoxy(x, y) function in C, but only if your compiler supports the #include file <conio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> int main (void) { printf(&quot;The first line\n\n&quot;); printf(&quot;note the cursor position now\n&quot;); printf(&quot;Hit any key and...
  7. bigtamscot

    Hi, I'm new to C. Can anyone sho

    Hi, dickie bird I think you got it wrong when passing a char array by reference, here is a small program to show the difference between passing int values and arrays by reference compared to by value....not the use of the ampersand ( & ) in the call to refer_check function and the use of the...
  8. bigtamscot

    Hi, How do you initialize a stri

    string [100] = &quot;\0&quot;; this is correct!! Hoping to get certified..in C programming.
  9. bigtamscot

    fread problem

    OR use while((fread(&partrecord, sizeof(part), 1, inp))!=1){ printf(&quot;%s %-20s %.2f %-d %-d %d %d/%d/%d\n&quot;, partrecord.part_id, partrecord.part_descr, partrecord.unit_price, partrecord.quan_onhand, partrecord.reodr_pt,partrecord.reodr_qty...
  10. bigtamscot

    Converting string to numeric

    reading your question again, do you just require to check if the character stored in a member are numeric. If so then look at the functions isdigit(), isalpha() in lib <stdlib.h> if(isdigit(str.ch)) printf(&quot;character %c numeric&quot;, str.ch); else printf(&quot;character %c...
  11. bigtamscot

    Sorting an array of strings!!

    see my answer to post &quot;alternatives&quot;, espeically point on concatenation where destination string needs to be big enough to hold both strings. Hoping to get certified..in C programming.
  12. bigtamscot

    getchar () vs scanf

    try fflush(stdin);........you dont say what the prompts ask for int or char value. there are a number of different ways to read charcters, some of which are compiler and os dependant. have a look at fgetc(stdin); Hoping to get certified..in C programming.
  13. bigtamscot

    Probably a stupid scanf/getchar question

    With this part of the code code=scanf(&quot;%c&quot;,code); the compiler first of all scans (reads) the choice into code, which in this case is wrong syntax anyway - you forgot the ampersand &, then you reassign code a different value by having code equal to the return value of scanf, which...
  14. bigtamscot

    Leading Zeros

    int i = 32; printf(&quot;%04d&quot;, i); this will print - 0032 Hoping to get certified..in C programming.
  15. bigtamscot

    Format of ITOA

    itoa(num, string, 10); where the last parameter is always &quot;10&quot; if you are using the base-10 (normal) number system. Hoping to get certified..in C programming.
  16. bigtamscot

    Reading /Writing structure

    the trouble with your code maybe that you are declaring variables in different lines in your code other than at the start. This is C not C++. In C you have to declare your XYZ xyz; and FILE *fp1; at the start before process begins. this was found without looking for other faults if there are...
  17. bigtamscot

    Changing Character Array Content

    hi, I would declare three strings, two string pointers, one int counter and one int or boolean flag, outer loop through first string and inner loop through second string using pointers. utilise a flag for when character is present, if no flag in one iteration of outer loop then write...
  18. bigtamscot

    In C how to extract the integer and decimal part from a float number

    okay I have just written a similar function to print a value held on file and output it to a print record thru PRN. I am sure if you read the function you may be able to adjust it to your rquirements. the following takes a double value - say 123456.12 - and prints to the print report in the...
  19. bigtamscot

    How to make scanf() read first word of a line then jump to next line

    Okay, lets presume your file is text and that each line of text is terminated by a new line character. open file to read text, fp = fopen(filename, &quot;rt&quot;); then loop through each line of text and increment the counter like so int counter = 0; char str[line_length]; // string of...
  20. bigtamscot

    How to distinguish between characters and numers.

    CORRECTIONS TO MY CODE ABOVE #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> void main () { char string[11], result[11], *ptr; int count = 0; printf(&quot;Enter a string up to 10 charcters :&quot;); gets(string); ptr = string; while(*ptr) { if(!isdigit(*ptr)) { if(*ptr != '-') break...

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