My buddy asked me to look at an Access Form on his computer. The Navigation bar at the bottom of the form is too short to read the data. Thinking maybe it was an anomaly in his database, we closed his database and opened mine. My database forms showed the squashed navigation bar on his computer...
Been a very long time since I tried to do this. Every time I try to open the exported workbook, it is corrupted. Are the spreadsheet types changed in Office 365?
Private Sub cmdMailPrinter_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdMailPrinter_Click_Err
' DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMailing4Printer", acViewNormal...
Spent the last 2 weeks creating and tweaking a 150 line query pulling stuff from all over the place. My internal customer kept changing his mind what he needed.
Found that I need to write the whole thing to a table on SQL Server; so created a table this morning.
Started a stored proc and put a...
I have built an Add-Ins toolbar in Excel VBA. Sometimes when I open a spreadsheet the ADD-INS heading is missing. I go to DEVELOPER and Add-Ins and see that my add-in is checked.
Is there a setting I need to do? I am about to share this with the rest of my workgroup and want to make sure they...
I'm sure that I solved this problem years ago but I cannot find my old code. :-(
My customer has a spreadsheet with rows for multiple meetings to be scheduled. I've captured all the elements I want to put into the meeting notice but need some code to help me build the messages. I pretty sure...
Assuming that there is an update process for tblMaster i.e. it is not a bound table, run a recordset to update to change Done from False to True.
sqlStr="SELECT * FROM tblRequest WHERE RequestID=me.cmbRequestID.value"
Set RSreq=db.openrecordset(sqlStr,dbopendynaset,dbseeChanges)
So the programmer that left last year put passwords on the VBA of various ACCDB databases.
I've been looking online for Recovery or Deletion tools and found lots that will seemingly work with MDB but nothing for Access 2007 or later.
Anybody got ideas for me?
OK, my date in DATE_HISTORY is expressed as YYMMDD or 160421. The code below works perfectly and returns ~6000 rows.
Thanks, looks like I have a bunch of new terms to...
I have been opening a file every morning for months and manually (or Find and Replace) the date. My buddy suggested a computed value to get the date for me. I am now at the point of putting the whole thing together and having problems understanding the correct number of tick (') marks and the...
I figured out how to bring two or more spreadsheets into the same instance of Excel and populate a dropdown with the names of all the workbooks. Everything was working great!
Now I have discovered that the user opens a separate instance of Excel with a spreadsheet from SharePoint. The name of...
In the end, I built pass-through queries and set up connection strings like the online samples. I was then able to disconnect the linked tables.It runs quickly.
Now I remember! The BA said that the customer would not be able to delete; only add to the table. It precludes my app from making updates.
My form is displaying the results of a search and the user has indicated that the data is wrong and typed the new stuff in another field. I try to update based on the old information:
upSQ = "UPDATE dbo_DMPlatform SET "
upSQ = upSQ & " dbo_DMPlatform.Program = " & Chr(34) &...
You might try setting a table to hold the Allocated To parameter and go get it when needed. In this example, the columns are KeyNumber, KeyValue, KeyName and KeyUpd. I use one to hold export paths rather than hard-coding into my VBA.
In the Customer Form use the =KeyVal to go get the Customer...
I'm building a report using a temp table to hold the data. The report looks great. The problem comes when the user tries to print and even though the report is selected and on top of the control form, the form is printed and not the report.
Could the problem be in my code?
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