Thank you everyone. I did have the incorrect subform name. I am able to select the chapter now and when i go to cboSection, it does display the correct sublist based on the chapter that is selected from cboChapter. However, when I try to enter a new record for the same client, and I select a...
Hello Aceman...I am well ty, hope you are as well.
Thank you everyone for your help, I really do appreciate it.
I've redone the subform hoping I'd catch an error but I'm still having problems with the Section box (cboSection). I can select the chapter from the cboChapter are control but when...
Thank you MajP
I followed the steps from FAQ. The first CBO works fine. However, regarding cboSection, i am getting the following message:
Enter Parameter Value
The form DII_ContractsItems is a subform. Can you please tell me what is the right way to make...
I would appreciate some help.
I have a subform called DII_ContractsItems with two combo boxes, cboChapter and cboSection.
The cboChapter box displays a list of chapters from the tblChapters2011. Here is the sql for that combo box.
SELECT tblChapters2011.Chapter...
Hi everyone,
I have an excel spreadsheet with a column (P) that lists part numbers. I would like to write a subroutine that would copy the part numbers, one at a time, into cell $B$7. This would lead to two prices being calculated. After they are calculated, I would like the subroutine to copy... the event property setting produced the followi error: The expression you entered has a function name that Microsoft Office Access can't find. *The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or (Event Procedure. There may have been an error...
Hi there,
I have a computer with Access 2007 on it. I'm unable to open up an application that was created on Access 2000. Can someone please advise what i need to do to the settings to open up the older version.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Kind regards,
Thank you AceMan, I've set the code up but there's an error in passing the customer ID to the pubID and I'm not sure how to fix it. When I run the form with the combo box and select a company name, I receive a message asking me to enter parameter value for pubID.
I would greatly appreciate some...
Hi Everyone,
I've created a report that currently is listing sales information, all orders and total sales for all customers. I have created a seperate form with a combo box that allows the user to select a company name from the list. Once a name is selected, I would like the report to only...
Hi Everyone,
I have a Customer form with a combo box that stores company names. If there is a new customer, the user clicks on the add customer button which opens a new form to input the information for a new customer. When the Add Customer screen is closed, the combo box on the Customer form...
Hi Everyone,
I have a form with an option group that has been assisgned the following values: 1-Active 2-Prospect.
Can someone please let me know what I need to do to have the report display the words "Active" or "Prospect" instead of the numberical values that access stores in the tables...
Hi Everyone,
I have a form called orders and a subform called Order Details. When I try to enter information in the subform, I'm not able to save the infomation. A message displayes stating, cannot add or change record as a related recorded is required in the tables order. The two forms are..." and displays the combined total for each order in dollars. This is an unbound text box with the following code:
I would appreciate some help with the code to pull the grand total of all orders from the total sale...
Hi there,
I have a form that lists customer information and displays the orders that have been entered for the customer. The form opens up with the fields blank and the user selects a customer name from a combo box to populate the information.
I would like the form to open up to the first...
Here is the code for updating the form when a company is selected from the combo box:
Private Sub comboCompany_AfterUpdate()
Dim rs As Object
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[CustomerID] = " & Str(Me![comboCompany])
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End Sub
Thank you,
Thank you for the prompt response PH.
Can you please give me an example of how to set the value in the Current event for an unbound combo box.
I'm still learning here.
Thank you again,
Hi Everyone,
I would appreciate some help.
I have a form that stores company name, contact information, shipping address, etc. All these fields are stored in one table.
I changed the text field for the company name to a combo box so that the company name can easily be selected by the user...
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