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Search results for query: *

  1. Svanhooft

    Compare a date field

    hi, A query could look like this: select * from table where datefield = Cast('04-19-2004' as Date) hope this helps Steph [Bigglasses]
  2. Svanhooft

    Install just the BDE

    Hi, if i'm correct there is a file within the bde files called bdeinst.dll. In this dll, the complete bde is present. I have writen a simple program to install the bde at the moment the program using the BDE is launched. function BDEInstalled: Boolean; begin Result := (dbiInit(nil) = 0) end...
  3. Svanhooft

    Close form on Enter

    hi, I made a demo with two forms. The first form has a button. In the onclick event of the button i show form2. Pressing enter on the second form closes the form2 returning to form1. The only thing i did was putting the next code into the onKeypress event of from2: procedure...
  4. Svanhooft

    Some SImple SQL/Delphi Problem

    hi query is: select sum(Price) Total from Product result is Totalvalue := qry.FieldByname('Total').value; Steph [Bigglasses]
  5. Svanhooft

    Some SImple SQL/Delphi Problem

    hi, The result is in : Name := qry.fieldbyname('Custname').value; After executing an query the result is like a table with the name of the TQuery object as the table name. Steph [Bigglasses]
  6. Svanhooft

    Why will Table posting work fine, but changes not save to disk?

    hi, The date and time are updated on closing the database not on every writing event. If you want to see the date and time change close and open the database after the post. An alternative is to start using queries. You donn't have to open the database and the date and time are changed...
  7. Svanhooft

    Why will Table posting work fine, but changes not save to disk?

    hi, If you use the BDE then you have to flush the buffers from the BDE. Include BDE in the uses file and then implement after the POST on the table the next command: DbiSaveChanges example: procedure TForm1.Table1AfterPost(DataSet: TDataSet); begin DbiSaveChanges(Table1.handle); end...
  8. Svanhooft

    BLOB has been modified!

    hi, dutil32 is a program made by borland along time ago and never been updated. Running this program rebuilds the database and in 99% of the cases the error is gone. The blob error occurs when there are problems with updating a table. In a network you get this error when you donn't force the...
  9. Svanhooft

    BLOB has been modified!

    hi, The error can be removed with the dtutil32 program. Steph [Bigglasses]
  10. Svanhooft

    Index a query?

    hi, Why use locate is you can do the same with a query: Select * from table where name = '%SMITH%' order by will give alle the people with SMITH in the name. Steph [Bigglasses]
  11. Svanhooft

    Hi, this is my first topic/post her

    hi, Experience and google. Steph [Bigglasses]
  12. Svanhooft

    Hi, this is my first topic/post her

    hi, I changed your code a bit and it is now working. procedure TForm1.createPage(); var t : TTabSheet; w : TWebBrowser; p : TPanel; begin t := TTabSheet.Create(PageControl1); with t do begin PageControl := PageControl1; Name := 'TabSheet' + IntToStr(pageN); Caption :=...
  13. Svanhooft

    Index a query?

    Hi, Queries donn't have indexes. Select * from Table where ssn = variable order by ssn Will return a table sorted by ssn and all the records with ssn equal to the variable. Variable could be an edit1.text. hope this helps Steph [Bigglasses]
  14. Svanhooft

    Multilined Hint in Windows 98 ?

    Hi, This a way to change your hint completly. Create a new project with and put a button on the form, Set the hint to True. And replace the code of unit one the code beneath: // start unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms...
  15. Svanhooft

    Know if exe is running by its full exepath ?

    hi, ExtractFilePath will return the drivepath, Application.exename will return the name of the application. ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + Application.ExeName Steph [Bigglasses]
  16. Svanhooft

    Can one manipulate files during Runtime?

    hi, If the file is in use, active or under controle of one or more applications, the filemove wonn't work and there is no error message. Steph [Bigglasses]
  17. Svanhooft

    Can one manipulate files during Runtime?

    hi, Here houston. In the movefile in the second parameter you donnt have the file name. so it should read: MoveFile(PChar(NewName), PChar('C:\UserFiles\ES\Registrations\'+NewName)); Steph [Bigglasses]
  18. Svanhooft

    Big Problem with DataBases and TQuery

    hi, Query1.Close(); Query1.SQL.Clear(); Query1.SQL.Add(Format('ALTER TABLE alter_exp, ADD new_field CHAR(25)', ['Deg'])); Query1.ExecSQL(); // new Table1.close; // close the table Table1.open; //open the table with the new structure Table1.Insert...
  19. Svanhooft

    Access violation 00456A96 Read of address 0000338

    hi, if you get an access violation while you are updating components on a form the most probable cause wil be the non existing of the form. So make sure the form is created at the time you want to update information. The best place to update captions is in the onActivate Steph [Bigglasses]
  20. Svanhooft

    Ibserver running at 99.955%- Need Advice

    hi, Why not committing the transaction? I never heard that one before. If you start a transaction. You also should commit the database else the updates aren't writen to the database. There is no reason for not committing. So tell the users to commit their work. After you commit your users also...

Part and Inventory Search
