Ok.....found out why it won't work. Below is a code that will work.
Shell "c:\windows\explorer.exe " & strUNC , vbHide 'link to share folder and hide explorer window.
Pause 3 'pause timer - set focus after 3 sec delay.
AppActivate "Windows Security"
A delay is required, as...
Still didn't work. I need to hide the Explorer and set the "Windows Security" login in focus.
Or is there anyway to just popup the "Windows Security" Login Credentials without the Explorer?
I have a code in a module that with open a password protected sharefolder which will prompt a popup.
Windows Security
Enter Network Credentials
The code work fine.
'connect to password protected sharefolder
Shell "C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe """ & strPath & "", vbHide
This will not put the...
No can do.
Selection of printers is still required.
Need the print pre-view before printing 2 sets. The second copy is the same but layout with textboxes hidden.
It's not an issue if the button is on the form. This must be done in Pre-view mode of the Report. This must be an automated process...
I'm not going to use the API as Access Runtime File Menu Print Dialog is controlled by Windows. So, API just don't cut it.
Users will be running Access Runtime to print from Access Print Menu once the Report is viewed mode. Meaning, users click on the Report in view mode than click on the...
Does anyone knows about the incompatibly?
If the first FrontEnd 2003 version link to a BackEnd 2000 version. The FrontEnd 2000 Format is unable to Connect or Link the Tables.
If the first FrontEnd 2000 version link to a BackEnd 2000 version. No problems, but FrontEnd 2003 version cannot...
It's not a surprised. The code by Ken Getz for example, the file dialog box "comdlg32.dll".
lStructSize As Long
Function ahtCommonFileOpenSave( _.........
With OFN
.lStructSize = Len(OFN)
I had to change...
As I recalled, you still need to recode some of the 32bit APIs for Windows 64bit.
I can't recall which API, but I can remember you still need to recode some, not all. If you don't, you'll error or just that your API don't work correctly. That was about 6 years ago.
txtTax = 0.07
txtAmount = 16,998,650
Text1 = txtAmount * txtTax
Result of Text1: $1,189,905.51
We have a rounding error of 0.01
Sorry about that. The Tax value should be 0.07. (Format = General Number, since the $ sign looks odd)
The standard value would be $1,189,905.50.
So, in this...
Please refer to this MS site for detecting 32 or 64bit.
You'll need this code to run first. It will detect the 32 or 64 bit APIs.
You'll also need to recode all your APIs if you need to run 64bits APIs. I think you have...
...with Data Type set to Currency. Field = Amount.
So I have a report to calculate the Tax.
txtTax = 0.05
txtAmount = 16998650
Text1 = txtAmount * txtTax
Result of Text1: $16,998,650.51
We have a rounding error of 0.01
So, if I were to use the Field Size of Double or Decimal. There's no...
Yeah, it seems that I don't need to 2 SQL for inserts.
So long it's altered or not in the backup table, it will execute else it does nothing.
Note of SQL string, some typo for table names.
Originally, my first Access unmatched query failed.
I think I have found a solution for the second condition from Access Unmatched query designer after visiting some web sites regarding unmatched queries.
Insert into tblPOBackup (Fields…..)
Select ..Fields…From Company LEFT JOIN tblOldBackup...
The first condition isn't much of an issue.
I wondered if the first condition can be also part of the second condition. Meaning two condition into one SQL string. Possible?
The alternative is to use the Main Form's AfterUpdate event to trigger an Insert if the form is Dirty. But...
Thanks for replying,
Maybe it wasn't so clear.
If records not exist - insert records into tblOldBackup table - all fields.
If records exist but fields do not match - meaning to say if Field1 in Table Company does not match Field1 in Table tblOldBackup - Insert record into tblOldBackup -...
I want to create a complex INSERT/APPEND action query SQL String.
Table Name - Company
Field Names -
Table Name - TblOldBackup
Field Names -
If records does not exist – INSERT/APPEND into tblOldBackup
Note that in MS Access forum that there are still ongoing issues(bugs) with ADO. Not that I recalled was the problem was resolved yet.
So far, I find the older version of ADO 2.1 work better in Windows 7 and Access 2010.
After some checking and testing, the message was incorrect from Access.
Found out that the password needed the enclosed single quotation in order to get it to work. But it does not have problem with named query.
Thanks for replying George,
I know I could use passthru. But that requires me to create a named query in Access.
I intention is to use VBA code only. Other Action queries, there are no problems but when using "CREATE LOGIN".
I'm looking for a way to code in VBA without the need of a named query.
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