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Search results for query: *

  1. PatriciaObreja

    Detail Row count

    In Section Expert, check New Page After > x + 2: RecordNumber mod 8 = 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat you any more." Franz Kafka, while admiring fish in...
  2. PatriciaObreja

    Date Enteries as Words and not Number

    Create a parameter of type string, set default values for it, and enter manually the values: January, ... and do the same for years. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now I can look at you in peace; I...
  3. PatriciaObreja

    Record selection

    You can do something like this: {vwj_Cl_AssetAllocation.strategy} = {?Strategy} and {vwj_Cl_AssetAllocation.portfolioid} = {?PortfolioID} and ({?Custody}='' or IsNull({?Custody}) or {vwj_Cl_AssetAllocation.custody} = {?Custody})...
  4. PatriciaObreja

    Help with reading SQL Statement

    I think that this is like a join between 2 tables: select field1, field2 from (select ...) D3, (select ...) D2 where (join conditions) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now I can look at you in...
  5. PatriciaObreja


    SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE('(800) 223 4114', '(', ''), ')', '') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat you any more." Franz Kafka, while admiring fish in an aquarium
  6. PatriciaObreja

    Suppres a Field when another field has Data in it.

    Format the field Default > Suppress > x + 2 and enter: NOT(IsNull({ExtendedDescription}) OR {ExtendedDescription} = "") ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat...
  7. PatriciaObreja

    Help to replace text withing string field - CR version 7

    Use the Replace() function if it exists in version 7. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat you any more." Franz Kafka, while admiring fish in an aquarium
  8. PatriciaObreja

    How to hide an empty formula

    This works, thanks! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat you any more." Franz Kafka, while admiring fish in an aquarium
  9. PatriciaObreja

    How to hide an empty formula

    lbass thanks for your answer, but, as I said, the report has already too many subsections, I already have 9 Detail subsections, and for each of them I need 10 more sections, that will make 90 Detail subsections. I really want to avoid that...
  10. PatriciaObreja

    How to hide an empty formula

    CR 9 and SQL Server 2000 I Details section a have some formulas like this arranged vertically: @acct1 @acct2 @acct3 @acct4 @acct5 //@acct1 stringVar array accta := Split({Field}, chr(13)); if count(accta) >= 1 then accta[1] else ""; The other ones are very similar. So I have a field...
  11. PatriciaObreja

    what is wrong in this code

    I think that you cannot give to a column the reserved name Inserted, at least try to put it in []: [Inserted] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat you any more."...
  12. PatriciaObreja

    Alternating colours

    Yes, you can create a running total that will count the records in Details section. Then in Section Expert, for Details section, Color tab > x + 2: if Remainder({#RTotal0}, 2) = 0 then white else red...
  13. PatriciaObreja

    2 tables dependent on the other

    UPDATE Assignements SET assign_less_id = (SELECT lesson_id FROM Lessons WHERE lesson_desc = (SELECT lesson_desc WHERE lesson_id = assign_less_id) and schlyr = '2009' ) WHERE a.lesson_schlyr = '2009'...
  14. PatriciaObreja

    Record selection for date time problem.

    For these values your formulas work fine, but I think that in the database are some values for which returns this error. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat you any...
  15. PatriciaObreja

    Record selection for date time problem.

    The problem might be with: DateTime(date({Detail.DateChangeDue}),time({Detail.TimeChangeDue})) I think that we have to see some sample data. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now I can look at you in...
  16. PatriciaObreja

    Group a Formulated Field

    So create a formula that will take the first 4 characters: LEFT({table.field}) Then group the records by this formula. Insert a summary for the amount field with results in each group footer. Place also the group name in the group footer. Suppress the Details section...
  17. PatriciaObreja

    Record selection for date time problem.

    {@DateTime} in (DateTime(CurrentDate & Time("17:00")) to (DateTime((CurrentDate & Time("17:00"))) + 1)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat you any more." Franz...
  18. PatriciaObreja

    distinct count problem

    I think that when you manually distinct count, you cannot see some extra spaces that maybe some records have, that could seem identical to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now I can look at you in...
  19. PatriciaObreja

    Record selection for date time problem.

    For today: DateTime(CurrentDate & Time("17:00")) For tommorow: DateTime(CurrentDate & Time("17:00")) + 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat you any more."...
  20. PatriciaObreja

    Incorrect syntax near keyword Select

    ...as f2 FROM tblStencils GROUP BY StencilPartNumber,NOLONGERNEEDED, Left(Stencilrev,1) HAVING Count(*)>1 AND NOLONGERNEEDED=0) aS B ON A.StencilPartNumber = B.StencilPartNumber WHERE A.StorageLoc Like 'SS%' AND A.Customer=@Customer AND Left([StencilRev],1)=B.f2 AND...

Part and Inventory Search
