...and both aggregate & rollupaggregate is automatic
then i created weighted avg as you suggested
total (([AmountRemit]*[remcount] for [remYear)/total([remcount] for remYear)
then year2009 and year 2010 field as
if ([remYear] = 2008) THEN ([WeightAVG]) else (null))
even i tried to include...
above both are measures
now i am having weighted average as (it is a insertable object)WeightAVG= total ([AmountRemit]*[remcount])/total([remcount])
i have year objects as 2008 and 2009 and 2010
in each year i am having below math
if ([remYear] = 2008) THEN...
...(here i am grouping by these columns for sub totals)
then factcells are a calculated weigted average ---> total (sales * noOfItems) / total(noOfItems)
so till here i am good to go
so now the requirement is i need to calculate weighted average subtotals for each productgroups, country...
Hello All,
in my report i have a simple cross tab, it sinmply contains 1 Cross Tab Row (some date column) , 1 Cross Tab Column ( quarter name) , measure column is some amount.
now when i run report it has some 90 rows it is displaying in 3 pages,
now the question is how can i set my cross tab...
(i am using Cognos 8.3 Report Studio)
Hello All,
in my Report, i am having 6 pages in it (ex: London Report, US, World, CAN, IND,EUROPE) each report having 2 queries in it (one for chart, one for list)
output is fine, when we run the report and saved it, it will save 6 pages in single PDF...
thanks for all whom ever tried at least to help me
Dear All,
it may helpful to some others
running-total([Amount]) + [OldBal] - [Amount]
works fine
this idea given by Jurri (Master)
Hello All,
kindly any ideas please
basically the problem is need to calculate running total for a column (initiat start is stored in another dataitem)
this initial data item contains only one value
Hello All,
can you please give me a help hand regarding to the below problem
presently i have a report with structure as below in report studio (8.3)
Nov 1, 2008,paybill for x-x-11-2003,win,-1200.73,710.00
Nov 3, 2008,Call Card,win,33.45,710.00
Hello All,
some how we get data from different sources to Database table,
in our SSIS package, it needs to be write all table data to a .csv file, then it clears the table(by using execute sql task)
now the problem here is, when there is no rows in table then it is creating 0 rows .csv file...
...#prompt('enter country to convert','string')#
then in trans query subject i created Amount Converted, and definition as --> round(trans.amount*Currency.ToCurreny,2)
so when ever a user drags this amountconverted column to report in report studio and run the report user will be prompted to...
Hello Ties,
Thank you very much for your valuable information,
i am checking into it in the PDF (installation & Admin Guides)
i will go through it
Thank you very much for your reply
Best Regards
Hello All,
i have no idea on administration side, however i need to create a report
wishing & hoping some bodu can help me..,, please
how can i show a report with all users , roles & privilages (what they can do in cognos, )
please help me,
Thanks in advance
Hello All,
Can you please give me any ideas related to below problem
in my report i have a value prompt (multi selectable countries list)
this is manually created prompt (inserted one prompt page, then inserted value prompt from toolbox)
when i run the report this prompt shows available...
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