Thanks Geoff, I changed to code per your suggestiopn. It still takes 20 minutes to complete the macro.
Sub cleanup()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheet2.Visible = True
Sheet1.Range("A1").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="Notes:"...
I have some code that does the job, but takes over twenty minutes to run. The code works on 10,000 lines of data on an excel tab and cleans it up (deleting some columns and also all teh blank rows etc and then moving it to a new tab), I do have application.screenupdating set to false and I have...
I think I solved it. I need to do the following
So I look at col A and sum the values in B, then to that I add by looking at col C and summing col E etc..
...below does not work, any assistance will be much appreciated. if any other way to do this other than sumproduct exists, please let me know.
SUMPRODUCT(((Jan!A4:A37,Jan!C4:C37,,Jan!E4:E37,,Jan!G4:G37,Jan!I4:I37)='2006 Summary'!A5)*(Jan!B4:B37,Jan!D4:D37,Jan!F4:F37,Jan!H4:H37,Jan!J4:J37))...
The code that opens the form is inside each workbooks beforeclose event, changing that line inside Thisworkbook beforeclose event seems complicated.
The change I have is a one time change, wher I am adding some data to each workbook, saving and closing it. In teh future, I would want that...
The form only appears on the beforeclose because I use it to show some info for the users.
The fowm is not loaded before that, so it cannot be unloaded or killed. It is part of the beforeclose event to show the form. Form is modal.
If I did not have so many workbooks to open and change, I...
I have several workbooks that are formatted the same, but have different data. I have a userform that shows up for two seconds when the workbooks are closed. I am now changing the workbooks using only code and want to save and close them, but that triggers the showing of the user form. Since I...
I have managed to confuse everyone including myself, I apologize.
I am ranking territories with a region by their sales and also ranking territories within a division by their sales
Your formula works, but it is giving me ranks I don't quite follow.
Following is my ranks arrived for row 2...
I must not understand how to use this because I get #N/A.
For region rank formula I have
For division rank formula I had before change
after change
=RANK(AI2,INDIRECT("B" & MATCH($AI2,$AI$2:$AI$351,0) & ":B" & MATCH($AI2,$AI$2:$AI$351,1)+1))...
It's easy to create a rank formula and copy down, but I have to do two ranks, one for territories in a region which say for example is 500 entries and they have 50 divisions, I need to create a seperate rank for each territory within a division and each division might have five to ten...
I often have to create ranks in Excel and it's time consuming when there are multiple rows of ranks based on Regional performance versus Divisional performance. I was wondering whether anyone has some code that they could share that would help in this process. I am thinking that if the code will...
Thanks for pointing that out.
Related question:
I am using the code to do the following:
I am trying to split a worksheet by a columns value and creating sheets out of each one, I have an option to keep them as separate tabs in the same workbook, or save each tab to a different workbook. The...
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