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Search results for query: *

  1. gerard1979

    Use function with parameter in Custom Toolbar

    Access2000, Customize toolbar Add Menu Add OnAction = UpdTable("tblCustomer") referencing to Function UpdTable(strTable as string) select case strTable case.. .. end select I know how to reference to functions without parameters. But how can I give a parameter in the field OnAction...
  2. gerard1979

    Change detail height is not completely clear for me

    I'll try to change my detailheight based on a field (vervallen). It's a boolean, if true then detailheight = 800 else detailheight = 430. What happened? The detailheigth 'walked' one record to late and reset each new page to 430. So it doesn't represent what I want in the right way. Hope...
  3. gerard1979

    Advice about a stand-alone MDE application with export data

    I made a stand alone application which I have to distribute to several person. Normally I make network applications, so split the database in front_end/back_end and relink the tables with a new update. Now I better like a way to export the tables from the MDE and import after sending a new...
  4. gerard1979

    No email signature with sendobject

    Better use this function: Function fctnOutlook(Optional FromAddr, Optional Addr, Optional CC, Optional BCC, _ Optional Subject, Optional MessageText, Optional AttachmentPath, Optional Vote As String = vbNullString, _ Optional Urgency As Byte = 1, Optional EditMessage As Boolean = True)...
  5. gerard1979

    Help with relationships!

    It's not easy to say something about a database design when u don't know the 'real' essention but a few things to explain. The circle from ClientOrders to Products is hard to believe. Look critical to the entries of ur productRefs, the transaction way is also hard to believe to be right. Maybe...
  6. gerard1979

    Auto number customizing - Please Help me

    Better don't work with autonumber if u want this. Take an textField ID, set primary key (no duplicates) Now, I think u make forms to fill ur database, choose ur fields and set the textfield to the bounded fields when u save the item. Search for the maxID with...
  7. gerard1979

    auto backup to a different folder

    correction: haven't seen u compare with 9.00 AM, but also all databases must be closed in this way..
  8. gerard1979

    auto backup to a different folder

    I'm interested in why u back up and compact databases every minute. I think that databases who are in use not compact or backup with this code, But answering your question: RS("DBNAME") SET to "C:" or somewhat... Gerard Ps:If u need more help u can ask. I have some code to...
  9. gerard1979

    Backup a password protected backend

    Great, ur code from strSource is completely right, stupid me!! of course Access is saving the password in the stringsource. Thnx again, Deserve ur star!! Gerard
  10. gerard1979

    Backup a password protected backend

    Thanx for your reaction Daniel. The problem is, before I password protect my backend The function as I wrote above is working perfectly. (U can try it by yourself), but now I password protect my backend and error 52 come up. The problem is in the FileSystemObject, maybe someone has more...
  11. gerard1979

    Backup a password protected backend

    Thnx for ur code StarPassing, I will try this. But the trick of my code was, that we can backup EVEN when the backend is in use and THAT's NICE and what I want. Any other ideas recommended, Thnx in advance, Gerard
  12. gerard1979

    Avoid duplicate values

    I'll give u the code I appreciate, maybe it works, Ur code looks fine, but I never use it this way so I can't say anything about it, try this Private Sub cmdChooseProduct_Click() Dim con As adodb.connection Dim stSql As String Dim rs As new adodb.recordset Dim stSql2 As String Dim...
  13. gerard1979

    Avoid duplicate values

    The most easy way to solve this is to set the docmd.runsql between : Docmd.setwarnings false Docmd.runsql strQL docmd.setwarnings true If adding a dup. value is invalid by the database rule (dup. your key) then the insertion is ignored and nothing happens.
  14. gerard1979

    Backup a password protected backend

    I want to back up my backend database by code: I wrote (with help of tekTips) the code below. But the function failed on the line fso.CopyFile strSource, strDest, True Can the cause be my PROTECTED backend The error is Number 52, Thnx in advance Public Sub BackUp() 'This function backs...
  15. gerard1979

    Refresh a form with bounded combobox

    Usage: Access2000 Construction: Form (frmContact) with Cbo (cboWith) The cbo is bounded by a function, the function search for the forms ID: Function HaalCPID() On Error GoTo errHandler HaalCPID = Nz(Forms!contactpersoon!CP_id, 0) 'print without errhandler End Function Problem: I add an RefID in...
  16. gerard1979

    Printing a blanc label after every printed label

    thanx for ur reaction PWise, but it's not the solution I uncheck this option long time ago ;) it give many lag.. Maybe u have another suggestion? Gerard
  17. gerard1979

    Printing a blanc label after every printed label

    Hi all, I have a little problem with printing labels. I customized a label, based on the wizard from Access2000 I need to print 1 label in a time, I write the function for get the label and print the record. The problem is: every time I print a label (we have a real labelprinter (3,0cmx10,5cm)...
  18. gerard1979

    Make custom toolbar in Access 2002

    Hi Peda, I'm not sure what u want but I think you don't need code Click right mouse btn on the custom bar in top of the access Make a new one (choosing menu or custom bar, custom = buttons, menu = menu's :) Than u can drag and drop all sort of code in it. Can make macro's to drop in it, also...
  19. gerard1979

    Table design for planning schedule

    I have a little design problem. I have a Ref. from a Ordertable. This Ref. had to be scheduled in a daterange. Daterange can be 31-12-02 till 3-01-02 but also can be 31-12-02, 3-01-02 till 5-01-02, 11-01-02. What's the best method to save this? I tried: tblSchedule: OrderRef (foreign key from...
  20. gerard1979

    Check Database Size then repair and compact over a size

    It's funny, I'm just looking for the same problem at the same time. I give u my start so we can think together: 'Use the form timer and look over the filesize 'If filesize bigger then a value then look for other users and log them off. It's just in a very low stage but I get a good look next...

Part and Inventory Search
