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Search results for query: *

  1. DaltonVB

    TransferDatabase Macro needed

    I'll just have to try some things when I get back to my office. Are you running SQLServer2000?
  2. DaltonVB

    View Recordset Results

    Are you using ADO or DAO? What I have done to see what kind of records I am getting back is put the source of the recordset into a query and open the query. szQuery = "SELECT * " _ & " FROM sys_tblqueries " _ & " WHERE hasRun = false " _ &...
  3. DaltonVB

    Adding All to an SQL Statement

    are you looking for all of the fields or all of the records from [Hoist]
  4. DaltonVB

    Quotes and SQL

    Try using the 'tick' instead of double quotes. Me!Capacity.RowSource = &quot;Select Distinct Cap &quot; _ & &quot; From Hoist &quot; _ & &quot; Where TIncl <> -1 &quot; _ & &quot; And HType = '&quot; & Me!HoistType & &quot;'...
  5. DaltonVB

    TransferDatabase Macro needed

    In that case... Importing the table will take just as long as running a query against the linked table to make a local table. Did that make sense? DoCmd.RunSql &quot;SELECT * INTO 'the new table' FROM 'the linked table'
  6. DaltonVB

    TransferDatabase Macro needed

    beth, I don't have SQLServer running at my current location so... I'll have to take a look when I get back to my office tonight. Depending on what you need to do with the table, you could use the ADO objects. Here is a link to MSDN code examples...
  7. DaltonVB

    Passing multiple arguments to a query from a module

    You could do it in code where the function creates the user preferences. This code requires ADO and ADOX (Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) 2.8) references and works using MDAC 2.8 You could also create and modify parameters for the query. Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection Dim cat As...
  8. DaltonVB

    dynamically add control

    I'll have to make a file for you to download. There is just too much code. I'll try to have it ready for you on monday and give you the url so you can download the mdb. Thanks, Dalton
  9. DaltonVB

    How can I send reports using MS Access XP via e-mail?

    The reason these examples will not work is because he has to use lotus notes. &quot;Lotus Notes Release 5.0.5 September 22, 2000 for sending/receiving emails. &quot;
  10. DaltonVB

    Append data from a linked excel range to a table

    What type of recordset are you using? If you open it as 'adOpenStatic' you will get a recordcount but if you use Dynamic, you will not. This will return a count. rs.Open &quot;qryTables&quot;, _ cnn, _ adOpenStatic, _ adLockBatchOptimistic iCount =...
  11. DaltonVB

    Backup Help

    I am sorry that I cannot help with your problem. My only suggetions are to change where the mdb is backed up or use an external program to zip and backup like 'scheduler'.
  12. DaltonVB


    This is the correct way to use the 'Left' function. targetfilename = Left(strFileName, lengte) & &quot;txt&quot; 'The last suggestion has an incorrect use of the 'Left' function. targetfilename = Left(strFileName, CStr(lengte)) & &quot;txt&quot; Left(string, length) The Left function syntax...
  13. DaltonVB

    I have a main form that has a check

    I recreated your situation as best I could with the information provided. I have had DoCmd.RunSQL barf on me as well. I decided to make a function to create a query and then delete the query after using it. Hope this helps If you were using (If (IsNull(DLookup(&quot;[ID]&quot...
  14. DaltonVB

    Form RecordSource Question

    Once you have set the record source for the form, make sure one of the controls (hopefully a text box) has tblClient.ClientID as it's control source and reference it to retrieve the id. This will be the first record of the record source so... if you want to have a specific ClientID, indicate...
  15. DaltonVB

    Calling a query

    If you use the wizard to create command button (on the tool box, make sure the control wizards toggle is selected and add a command button to the form), chose Miscellaneous as the category and Run Query as the action. It will prompt you to select the query you would like to run and the code...
  16. DaltonVB

    Calling a query

    DoCmd.RunSQL &quot;Select [FIELDS], From [Table] Where [CRITERIA];&quot;
  17. DaltonVB

    Identify and Rename as text files

    Here is the reason: varFile2(lngIdx, 1) = f_buildNewName(strdirpath, varFile1(lngIdx)) change this line to read: varFile2(lngIdx, 1) = strdirpath & f_buildNewName(strdirpath, varFile1(lngIdx)) I forgot to add the file spec to the begining of the name. CopyFile didn't know what to do with...
  18. DaltonVB

    Populating Combo Boxes [on event]

    When I want to change the RowSource of a combo box, I use this methode. Me!CboUPC.RowSource = &quot;SELECT UPC FROM TblItems &quot; _ & &quot;WHERE CS < &quot; & cboCS.Value & &quot;';&quot; CboUPC.Requery Me!CboKras.RowSource = &quot;SELECT Kras FROM TblItems &quot; _...
  19. DaltonVB

    Execute hyperlink from combo box

    I created a comboBox that has a record source of various URL's. Then I created an event 'AfterUpdate' to open the link. Is that what you wanted to do? Private Sub Combo4_AfterUpdate() Application.FollowHyperlink Combo4.Value End Sub
  20. DaltonVB

    Identify and Rename as text files

    Try this: I have added two functions. f_buildNewName 'This one creates the new name based off of the old name f_fileBase 'This one creates the base name i.e. 'Shares','Loans','Certs' Private Sub Command3_Click() ' Loop through the directory specified in strDirPath and save each ' file...

Part and Inventory Search
