Skip, could you elaborate on your post of 17 Aug 09 11:44 ?
1) Do you mean you store your field information in an Excel table?
2) How do you go about using the information in the table when you're looking for something in the screen string?
I'm working on a macro where I'm going to be...
I think the problem is that you haven't declared the workbook itself as an object.
Try this:
In your declarations:
dim xlWorkbook as object
Then to open and save the workbook:
Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("Test.xls")
Have a * for your posts of May 12 at 9:18 and 9:39. Your example of how to use MoveRelative and WaitForCursor just opened up whole new lines of thought for me!
You say you're using listboxes that only allow single selections?
In a listbox with the MultiSelect property set to fmMultiSelectSingle, I always know that the listbox doesn't have a selection if ListIndex = -1 .
fireydad and hermanlaksko,
A star to both of you. I was about to post a slightly different problem when I saw this thread. (I needed a way to iterate through a part of the Global Address List starting at a specified name.) Between the two of you, you gave me exactly what I needed to solve my...
Hello answers123,
Have you tried this:
Set Srch = MyScreen.Search("ABC")
I believe you have to do it with the Set statement because you're assigning a value to an object, not a variable.
If you were just looking for, say, the Top coordinate, then something like
dim SrchTopLine as Integer...
You never actually write anything to the file with this code.
Try this after your loop that reads the screen:
fn = freefile
FileName$ = "E:\Network Elements\NE Summary.txt"
open Filename for output as fn
print #fn, Screenbuf$
close #fn
Note that I opened Filename for output rather...
I too am forever going around installing HotSpots.
I had a look in my Extra80 folder (we're using Extra 8.0), but I couldn't figure out which file you meant by the "session file". Could you elaborate?
You can set up your list of choices like this:
ListOfChoices = "Alaska AK" _
+chr(9) + "Arizona AZ" _
+chr(9) + "Arkansas AR"
so your declaration will look like this:
DropComboBox 9, 17, 111, 41, ListOfChoices, .ComboBox1
Now, to call your dialog box:
Done = FALSE
While Done...
I often use an Access database to hold information, and add to it from an Extra macro:
dim cnn as object
set cnn = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
dim rst as object
set rst = createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
MyConn = "C:\Example.mdb"
' open the connection
With cnn...
Skip, now I see which post you were referring to. When I read your idea the first time, it didn't seem to say the same thing as what I was thinking, probably because you said it in words, rather than code. I apologize for my snarky response in the second paragraph of my previous post...
...through all the sheets was different from your way. You appear to be selecting each sheet in turn. My method allowed the user to select all the sheets *first* and then have the macro working through just the selected sheets. Call me crazy, but I thought my idea might be worth considering.
Okay, so here's my two thoughts on the matter.
First, whenever I know I have to have the same formatting on a bunch of sheets, I'll put that formatting into my Workbook_BeforePrint sub. To make it so that it doesn't go super-slow each time I print-preview a document, I only tell it to format a...
I'm encountering a similar problem. We're in the process of upgrading from Extra 6.7 to Extra X-treme. One of my users was trying to enable a QuickPad through the usual route of View | QuickPads, putting the checkmark beside the chosen QP, and pressing the Apply button. But the...
...Say you have 100 items in your list, but only 7 displayed at any given time in the listbox. Ciumes wants to be able to click on the last item *displayed* in the listbox (as opposed to the last item in the list), and have the display change accordingly so that the item clicked now shows as...
When you're telling the macro to save for the first time, are you specifying a filename? If you have a brand new spreadsheet and just hit the Save button, Excel will bring up the Save As box. Otherwise, how will it know where to save it?
If that isn't the problem, then, well, what...
You can save a bit more time by taking out
take_line= Sess0.Screen.Area(6, 5, 24, 80)
My experience has been that you don't need a WaitHostQuiet statement after any method that doesn't change the screen (e.g. GetString, PutString...
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