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Search results for query: *

  1. RovirozM

    Strange!! Do you know if this is a bug in crystal?

    Hi Guys, I'm running in Visual Studio 2010 (Visual Basic) two Crystal Reports when I press a button in my app. For Example : Button1_Click Report1() <-- This report has two pages Report2() <-- This report has one page But something happen when I run it because when you click the command...
  2. RovirozM

    I need to install reporting services to create reports but I can't

    Hi guys, We already have a server 2008 to create Reports but I need to install reporting services 2008 in my PC in order to design with the corresponding tool but I cannot find it.... I have Visual Studio 2010 installed on my PC and somebody told me that Installing SQL Server 2008 R2 I can...
  3. RovirozM

    Do you know for a Quick Guide to Learn &quot;Programming&quot; in VB .Net ?

    Hi All ! In the past I used to work with VB 6.0 but now I need to start working in Visual Studio 2010 (Visual Basic .Net). Today My knowledge is about SQL 2008 Stored procedures for Programming and Reporting Services but I need to lear about .Net. I read in some sites about the Environment...
  4. RovirozM

    Where to verify SAP Error Messages ?

    Hi Guys, Sometimes I receive messages as this one: E847 - You cannot Change Item 000020 This is when I'm trying to post a Shipment..... By my question is related about this: Is there a place (Website or something else) where I can go and found more information related to this kind of...
  5. RovirozM

    Easy question - how to use the Trans (Commit and Rollback)in this way?

    Hi Guys, Good News !! It is working good.... It is possible to send an Email when an error is found? BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 BEGIN <--- Send an Email ? ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END Thanks !
  6. RovirozM

    Another way to Debug ??? I always use the same way ...

    Hi guys! I'm curious in trying to understand how to debug with the debugging menu and Breakpoints in T-SQL. I'm using now the 2008 Version but I always use the Print '' Method in order to debug what is happening with my code.... Can you let me know how can I use the debug/Breakpoints in...
  7. RovirozM

    Easy question - how to use the Trans (Commit and Rollback)in this way?

    Hi Guys! I would like to know how to use the "Begin Trans" (Commit and Rollback) Process because is the first time that I'm going to use one.... (and I don't want to block anything of course) I have a Stored Procedure that do two steps: In the first step Insert/update one table (Master) and...
  8. RovirozM

    I cannot turn on my windows XP... ;O( can you please help me?

    Guys, How can I get this MemTest86+ and run it into my compu? The only way I can enter is with c:\Windows Console Mode with a Windows XP CD..... Thanks for any information provided MR
  9. RovirozM

    I cannot turn on my windows XP... ;O( can you please help me?

    Hi Guys, I don't know what happen with my Laptop I just tried to turn it on and I cannot start Windows... It stay always on the windows screen without any move (As frozen)... I tried with the Safe Mode, Last Know Configuration, etc... and the same result.. I tried with the Windows XP...
  10. RovirozM

    Excel: Can I add a msgbox or something while is finishing a procedure?

    Hi Guys, Just curious, I have an Excel Application that when I push a command button it runs severals processes (Around 30-45 seconds). Can I put a messagebox that says "Be patient.. etc" and then when the process finish to release this messagebox? It is because takes time and just the hour...
  11. RovirozM

    Strange issue in a query..... What can I do?

    Hi guys, This looks very simple but I don't know why this is happening... I have a condition in my query like this: Where (sm.TransactionDate >= @LastDayInWeek and sm.TransactionDate <= @LastDayInWeek) When I run my query like that it tooks around 14 seconds to finish. But if I do this...
  12. RovirozM

    Index on SQL Tables that are in Join??

    Hi guys, Right now I know this: SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE CAMPO1 = 'Something' AND CAMPO2 = 'Other' If I used this Query without index it will do a Full Scan in my table to find my two conditions... But If I add an Index with this two fields it will be an index scan (faster) and I see the...
  13. RovirozM

    Execution Plan ?

    Hi Guys, I'm very interesting in improving my SP's, I would like to know how to use the Execution Plan in order to improve my SP's... Do you know guys where can I learn about this topic? I mean a place that talked about this and says step by step how to improve my queries using this Tool...
  14. RovirozM

    Excel Protection (Security) Recomendations?

    Yes, For example... Everything as tips from security that can help me to create a Good protected Excel SpreadSheet from the users!
  15. RovirozM

    Excel Protection (Security) Recomendations?

    Hi Guys, I already finish with a Excel Spreadsheet that works with a main tab sheet that contains some graphics, of course the information of these graphics are in other tabs... what I see now is that other people (users) are moving the information of my tabs and also moving the graphic on the...
  16. RovirozM

    Bar Chart Changing Colors depending of a Range? possible?

    Not working ;O( Do you know any webpage talking about this? that can help me to change this bar colors?
  17. RovirozM

    Bar Chart Changing Colors depending of a Range? possible?

    Bad News, believe me it is not changing the colors of the Bars on my chart.. Try to see this file and maybe you can tell me what is wrong? http://www.mediafire.com/?cjzygwdzi3enoin Thanks a lot!
  18. RovirozM

    Bar Chart Changing Colors depending of a Range? possible?

    Nothing happen ;O( just the Bar is lower or higher but with the same color... did you see my file? Thanks!
  19. RovirozM

    Bar Chart Changing Colors depending of a Range? possible?

    Hi, I really appreciate your help, I understand that this will put a 5 or cero on the columns, but how is linked to the bar char to change his color? I ignore how it works... Thanks!
  20. RovirozM

    Bar Chart Changing Colors depending of a Range? possible?

    Thanks Skip, I made a very easy Chart in this Excel File: http://www.mediafire.com/?ikjdznyizemytz4 Here is just two columns: A B 4 6 3 3 6 4 When the column is >5 I would like my Bar on my chart in Green, if it is <5 I would like my bar in Red... Right...

Part and Inventory Search
