...do a cross reference of two table, even if they don't have common fields, by just selecting the table. (i.e. Select tblRestrictions.Name, tblOther.*
From tblRestrictions, tblOther)
This helped me a lot and I will use it in future reference.
SELECT tblRestrictions.username AS Person...
Thanks MajP.
I completely agree on the revamp of the Query. Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure how to go about it.
The bulk of the lookups are to "tblRestrictions" which contains values that each of the homes are supposed to be checked against. tblRestrictions has a list of users and their...
Hi All,
I'm still having an issue with this slow up, thought I'd bump this up and share what I've learned thus far.
I created a persistent connection to the database with a hidden form over the network, I've also turned off Name AutoCorrect which did speed up the database significantly.
Try looking at the properties of the form in design mode. Then go under the "Data" tab and look at Record Source.
This might be where the errant fields are referenced. Just remove them from the select statement if they are there.
Otherwise, you might have a field on the form that is trying...
I replaced the Dlookup with Elookup as per:
This did speed up my time, although it still take ~40 secs to open the form. The query itself runs at 2.6 secs.
I'm just not sure why on the form version runs that much slower.
Any other suggestions? This is an...
I've figured out my own solution. Hopefully this helps others as well.
First you have to set the Document Type, which is a little document icon in the Mail Merge toolbar, to Directory. Then you go an select your data source and then perform the appropriate fields as listed above. This was not...
I'm having trouble getting the following to work for combining multiple records in word from an excel list.
I found a Microsoft KB that explained it for MS office 2000. However, I've found that the following code only works for the first two records in Office 2003. If anyone could be of...
Hi All,
I have a DAP(A2k3) that is based on an SP. It works fine when I start the DAP and it asks for the parameter, then it loads all the data. I then have combo box on the page to retrieve other records using the same stored procedure but with different values. I know the SP works, since it...
Hey All,
I am upsizing to SQL 2000 server and I am hoping to integrate it with an ADP front. I am having trouble deciding on the best method of adding new records from ADP. Information would be added to multiple linked tables at the same time (available in a view). I was wondering if a...
Sorry I couldn't help. It works fine with a sample database I put together. I would suggest creating another table (tblImplants2) and trying again with an append query to that table. Maybe the access gods will come through :)
Just to make sure, you aren't appending to the [exclude] column ever right? I didn't see it in your append query code. So I don't think there is a way for it to change the data type..
It doesn't make a difference.. I'm just trying to make it easier when putting it on a form. As for why it put -1 instead of NO.. I am completely out of ideas, unless you are updating that table from somewhere else or have some hidden joins going on, it should work.
IIf([BusinessUnit]="Registrations",(IIf([TotalCalls]=0,0,[Total Plans]/[TotalCalls])>0.012),0) AS ConvTarget
I removed the Over and Under.. you can only return one thing from an IIF Call.. Unless you wanted to do another IIf call.. in which case...
This is very strange. I created a sample database and did something similar to yours. It works..
It will only work for anything that you are going to append from now on.. so if you had -1's from some previous experiment.. then it wont change those back. You will have to run an update query for...
SELECT CUSTNm, Sum([$VAL]) AS TotVal, Sum([$BAL]) AS TotBal, Count(*) AS NumberOfContracts, Count([KIND]=1) AS KIND1, Count ([KIND]=2) AS KIND2, Count([KIND]="") AS KINDNONE
FROM tblCustomers
Just to explain [Field] you put the criteria in the field.. thus it was looking...
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