yea i did try it in gfortran compiler and it did come out to real*8 so now i know
i will not have to go thru and put extra labels such as dble(...) but only in certain places where definitely needed why asked. I made an
error in that post. I meant to ask, say
have read that when have mixed types such as integer and real in for example
r=a/i the result will be real*4
but now suppose have set
REAL*8 a,r
then will
r=a/i be of precision real*8 or will it just be of default precision...
i have read that when have mixed types such as integer and real in for example
r=a/i the result will be real*4
but now suppose have set
integer*8 a,r
then will
r=a/i be of precision real*8 or will it just be of default precision real*4 ?
Using gfortran I had quite a long program with many recursive subroutines,an input and output file etc. etc. and compiling using
gfortran -O3 -ffast-math ii.F03
vs compiling using just
gfortran ii.F03
the ii.exe program ran usually around 4 to 5 times as fast for the same input file...
I was dividing floats by integers. Yea I know am going to get round off,floating point error no matter what. I was just asking if generally one way was better than the other. That is dividing floats as the program goes by one or smaller number of integers as i go or wait till at the end and then...
integer*8 lisf(17)
But on the screen the entries after the 4th are invalid numbers,NOT all 0's. And on other occasions of similar types it does not even print out the entries >4 and if have more steps,assigning loops etc. get run time errors...
You are dividing integer by integer. I don't have that case at all. I am only multiplying integer times integer and at the end dividing floating point by the integers product which i presume should be more accurate or perhaps at worst same? than dividing the float by each integer at a time...
if all the variables at first are integer isn't integer multiplication supposed to be exact ?
Even though i am getting very large numbers(as long as not overflow): anyway at the end i will have to divide a floating point number by the integer(s). There are several steps and at first i just...
if for example array is allocatable say of one dimension and
already allocated then is it automatically set all elements to 0?
I had always been doing
which i have also seen in the literature of other people doing
In fact i have been doing so for all arrays of any dimensions real or...
Interesting so these fort.1 , fort.10 are kind of 'reserved' or standard names.
Anyway about 3 hours after my last post then it all the sudden went back to the usual
correct way of writing to the same modinc395.t file for ALL files many months old with absolutely no change in the files nor... they were and now all the sudden even all those create a new file fort.1.
And by the way the other files all had nps,npmx as declared integer*1 and still the same
writing to a new file fort.1 when before they did NOt. NOthing is changed in those old files.
" t uses fort.1 because it...
Thanks for the tip. The form
DID work . Funny though because the write(1,*).... form did in fact write to the screen in most instances of other programs.
print "ls1(1,1)",ls1(1,1)
form did not and in fact gave error
Error: Missing leading left parenthesis...
...recall the logical comparison can only use a redefined scalar so the following
gives no error.
integer:: ls1(2,4),mlis(2,4)
i1=ls1(1,1) ; i2=ls1(2,1)
do while(i1==i2.and.i<nps) ...
integer:: ls1(2,4),mlis(2,4)
do while(ls1(1,i)==lsl(2,i).and.i<nps+1)
First of all it ignores the write statements if omit the do while...
As it is it gives 'undefined reference error... to why that is necessary and if anyone has the same problem of not getting the correct final result of 6 or error on any other compiler other than gfortran using:
call rr(1,1)
recursive subroutine rr(j,k)
if(j>3) then
call rr(j,k)
I find the following also works:
call rr(1,1)
recursive subroutine rr(j,k)
if(j>3) then
call rr(n,m)
That is for any integer symbols m,n as long as they are not k nor j. The question is why should it matter if i reuse either or...
Has anyone had this problem with the gfortran compiler
call rr(1,1)
recursive subroutine rr(j,k)
if(j>3) then
call rr(j+1,k)
Clearly everything is well defined and should not be getting any run time errors such as 'segmentation... invalid...
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