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  • Users: Rob94
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  1. Rob94

    simple VBscript question

    I'd rather not leave any assumptions out, but is your code between the asp delimeters <% and %> ?
  2. Rob94

    Error 9: Subscript Out of Range Dilemma

    phv, the workbook count is still 1.... :(
  3. Rob94

    Error 9: Subscript Out of Range Dilemma

    Here is my dilemma. The following code snippet listed below depicts an object variable name "xlobject" that holds an instance of "Excel.Application". At this point in the code, I have one workbook assigned to the "xlobject" (meaning that xlobject.workbooks.count = 1). The first line of code...
  4. Rob94

    How to find and change filenames

    Good reference site: http://www.devguru.com/Technologies/vbscript/quickref/filesystemobject.html
  5. Rob94

    Need VBScript Equivalent of VBA Excel Copy Method

    tsuji, this worked like a charm. thanks!
  6. Rob94

    adodb.connection wtf

    hayt, not sure if this will help, but place this piece of code after the line "myConn.close": Set myConn = Nothing i know this sounds stupid of me to state as well, but you may want to ensure that you are actually getting to the section of code where you are closing the connection object...
  7. Rob94

    Need VBScript Equivalent of VBA Excel Copy Method

    In the "case needed after" section, do I need to put a set of empty quotation marks before the comma, like this: 'case needed "after Sheets("Sheet1 (2)").Copy "",Workbooks("Book2").Sheets(1) Sorry, I'm not in a psoition to test this code out yet, but I wanted to ask the question first. Thanks!
  8. Rob94

    strComp not working

    Is there any reason why you are using the string compare method as opposed to just simply testing for equality? Are there any times where you are looking for a substring within a larger string? You may just want to test if they are simply equal to each other. String compare should have worked...
  9. Rob94

    vbscript save to sql

    hayta, not sure if this answers your first question, but once the user clicks a particular value from the drop-down menu, that value is automatically saved. In my code sample below, it is referenced through "frm1.sl1.value". hope this helps, and my apologies if this is not what you were...
  10. Rob94

    strComp not working

    Maybe there is white space before or after the one of the values. Try this: If (strComp(Trim(strTogether), Trim(dbfile1), vbTextCompare) = 0) then
  11. Rob94

    Need VBScript Equivalent of VBA Excel Copy Method

    Can anyone help me find the VBScript eqivalent of the VBA code listed below? I'm pretty sure VBScript does not support named arguments, so I'm even wondering if this is even possible. Here it is: Sub Macro2() Sheets("Sheet1 (2)").Select Sheets("Sheet1 (2)").Copy...
  12. Rob94

    Any way to do this in VBscript ??

    If you have used multidimensional arrays before, you could implement them that way as well......
  13. Rob94

    my first webpage with vbscript

    Try this: In your WHILE statement, change this: If inputWO = strColumn1 Then msgbox = "Thank you." exit sub End If to look like this: If CStr(Trim(inputWO)) = CStr(Trim(strColumn1)) Then msgbox = "Thank you." exit sub End If This will convert both values to "string"...
  14. Rob94

    my first webpage with vbscript

    When you say "it fails", do you mean you see the messagebox pop-up that says "Something is wrong.", or that there is some sort of syntax error on the screen?
  15. Rob94

    my first webpage with vbscript

    Insert the code snippet below between the following 2 statements of your original code: Set rstSurvey = myRecordset sub window_onload If Not (rstSurvey.Eof and rstSurvey.Bof) Then MsgBox "I have data to work with." Else MsgBox "Something is wrong." End If It should look like...
  16. Rob94

    my first webpage with vbscript

    haytatreides, Do you know how to test to see if you are actually pulling back data from your SQL datasource? You might not be connecting correctly to the data. One way you can accomplish this is by defining an ODBC System DSN and connect to your data that way. You stated in your previous...
  17. Rob94

    How To Copy Excel Sheet From One Workbook To Another

    The code snippet below works under NT, but is failing when I run this in Windows XP: 'copy current invoice to the master invoice 'workbook, place at beginning of workbook xlsheet.Copy(xlMasterWorkbook.Sheets(1)) if err.number <> 0 then MsgBox "Error " & Err.number & ": " & Err.description...
  18. Rob94

    my first webpage with vbscript

    Try this: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Test PopUp</TITLE> <script language="VBScript"> Sub DisplayPopup Dim strTmp strTmp = "<input type='text' id='varTxt1' name='varTxt1'>" divPopUp.innerHTML = strTmp End Sub Sub DisplayVal MsgBox "Typed value: " & varTxt1.value End Sub </script> </HEAD>...
  19. Rob94

    VBScript Code In IE That Opens Excel WorkBook Not Running In XP

    I am currently working on an .asp application that manipulates Excel from a web page using VBScript. The application works fine on an NT platform, but it needs to be modified to work under Windows XP. I am having problems with the section of code described below. Here is what is happening...

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