I'm not sure if this in the right forum but I couldnt find one that would be more fitting. I built a windows application in VB.NET and was hoping to get advice on deploying it. I work for a financial company that is constantly bringing in agents to work for us. When they join our company they...
Hey All,
I receive some excel spreadsheets each month from various vendors breaking down the business my company did with them the month before. I've written macros on them to manipulate them and return only the data my company needs. One of my main problems though is that these companies...
I've got 4 separate yet related text files that my company uses that I've written macros in excel for to parse out the information from the text file to an excel file. After the file is parsed, the macro grabs the value of a certain cell and tests it against some criteria (thats different...
I have a selectionchange event sub that I've gotten help with in this forum before but this time I've got kind of an interesting problem that I'm not sure if its a bug with Excel or if I'm just doing something wrong. Anyways, heres the problem:
Theres certain areas on a worksheet that if the...
I created a little program that uses the selection change event in excel. basically if someone clicks on a cell with data in it in column A then the spreadhseet drills down on that selection and returns a bunch of information based on what the user selected. this works fine except for when a...
As soon as i submitted that post I figured out how to fix it. Isnt that how it always seems to work? I have another annoyance though that maybe you would know how to fix off the top of your head. I created a class module that treats the activeworkbook as if its my addins workbook...
I'm trying to set the value of an active combobox embedded on an excel worksheet. Its a 2 column combobox and the first columns a bound column. Is it possible to set the value of a bound control in excel? Anytime I use the .value property I get an error saying that it could not set the value...
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately my problem needs to be tackled with VBA. There are literally hundreds of these worksheets and to manually change the format of the combobox on each one would be a tedious process. do you know of any way to do this in VBA?
Does anyone know how to set the showdropbuttonwhen property for an activeX combobox embedded on a worksheet? I was messing around by trying to mimic the activeX combobox properties box and tried:
with combobox1
.showdropbuttonwhen = 1
end with
and it shut down my excel. there's a...
...stConn = stConn & "Data Source='J:\Michael\REPORTS\2006\Cash Receipts\CashReceipts.mdb';"
cnt.Open stConn
stSQL = "Select * from Carriers order by Carrier"
rst.Open stSQL, cnt
activesheet.ComboBox1.ColumnCount = 2
l = 1
Do While Not rst.EOF
l = l + 1
I'm having a problem in which I'm saving an excel file as a tab delimited text file. In actuality, I'm combining all of the columns into 1 and putting a semicolon in between each column before I save it because I need my text file to be semicolon delimited but the only option in excel is to...
I've created in addin for excel that uses a userform to pull information from an access database and puts it into excel. i've also created a procedure using the worksheet selection_change event that allows the user to click on a cell that has a company name it (one of the fields returned...
I was able to get the attachmate type library and I now have a reference to it in Excel but now whenever I type in the code to call attachmate:
Public System As ExtraSystem
Public Sessions As ExtraSessions
Public Sess0 As ExtraSession
Public MyScn As ExtraScreen
Sub doesthiswork()
Set System...
is it legal to share the type library to attachmate? i would really like to use VBA when dealing with attachmate but I dont have the type library on my computer and can't seem to find it anywhere. if legal, could someone post it or possibly email it to me so that I can use it? thanks.
ive searched all of my drives for extra*.* and came up with nothing. does anyone have any idea where I could download the type library? i couldnt find it on the Attachmate Website. thanks.
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