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  1. Forrest77

    Visual Basic in Excel to set active printer preferences

    I know how to select whatever printer I want in excel to print. However, some of my excel sheets require a different paper size. So is there a way to set printer preferences using vb code in excel. I tried to record a Macro selecting the printer, selecting printer properties, selecting...
  2. Forrest77

    Two PC's; Same Wireless Internet Connection, Different Download Speeds

    My Thanks to all of you. I am sorry that I have not return any postings but my internet was actually down for over a week and I have not had a chance to checke internet in a long while. Turns out they replaces a wireless tower and forgot to add my static ip into the system. Thanks to you all...
  3. Forrest77

    Two PC's; Same Wireless Internet Connection, Different Download Speeds

    I have a two pc's connecting to the internet through a wireless router. Both computers show the same speed when tested using SpeakEasy test site. Speakeasy shows a 2mb download speed & 800kb upload speed. However when actually downloading a file from the same site but not speakeasy, the older...
  4. Forrest77

    Is there a way to select the cell in the adjacent column

    Thanks PHV, You finished this up just perfectly. I at first thought it was Skip that had again answered my post. Your If/Then works just perfect. So Thanks again PH, Your help and expertise is a gift and I thank you for it. Todd
  5. Forrest77

    Is there a way to select the cell in the adjacent column

    Thanks Skip, You did it again. It works just perfectly. Thanks for all your help. This should get me right where I need to be. Again Thank You for your time and help. It is most appreciated. Todd
  6. Forrest77

    Is there a way to select the cell in the adjacent column

    Skip, I hate to bug you but I am stuck again. I now have the rows printing and adding the Done to the cell that is offset by 5. Now I am trying to print any new rows that do not have that. This is pretty much what you have given me: Dim r As Range For Each r In Range([b12]...
  7. Forrest77

    Is there a way to select the cell in the adjacent column

    Skip, You are fantastic. Code works perfectly. You have made a lot of people happy with that code. I am always amazed and astonded by the information on this site. Thank You Ver Much, Todd
  8. Forrest77

    Is there a way to select the cell in the adjacent column

    Skip, I gave it a try and first it would not let me use this part: [b].SpecialCells (xlCellTypeVisible) Even though I don't want to print those previous rows, I do want to be able to see the old rows with the new rows after them. The placing of the word "Done" is what I think will...
  9. Forrest77

    Is there a way to select the cell in the adjacent column

    Thanks Skip, I'll give it a try and get back to you. I really appreciate your time. Todd
  10. Forrest77

    Is there a way to select the cell in the adjacent column

    Maybe I am going about this wrong. What I have so far is the following that was provided by this site on an earlier question. Dim r As Range 'right oneFor Each r In Range([b12], [b12].End(xlDown)) For Each r In Range([b12], [b12].End(xlDown)) Range(r, r.Offset(0, 4)).Copy [s30] Range(r...
  11. Forrest77

    Having trouble with some excel VB code to move from row to row

    Thanks Again Skip, The code is doing close to what I want. I just need to adjust some parameters and code that I am using with what you provided. It is really slick. I will start spending some reading time at those sites. Again, I Thank You. In fact about 20 people thank you for making...
  12. Forrest77

    Having trouble with some excel VB code to move from row to row

    Thanks Skip, You are definitely right about needing to read and get up to speed. Do you have any suggestions as to reading material for those quite weak in this. I have not had any formal training at all. And Thanks for the code. I will try it tomorrow and let you know how it works. I...
  13. Forrest77

    Having trouble with some excel VB code to move from row to row

    First of all thanks for taking a look because this is way beyond my scope. I have about 50+ rows of excel data of a length from A thru F. I want to copy each row one at a time to say r30 to w30, perform some if/then statements that are working for me, and then print a sheet2 which has a lot...
  14. Forrest77

    Is there a way to select a network printer before Userform1.Printform

    PHV, I think I know the problem. Your code works with any of the excel sheets that I may want to print but when printing a userform, it doesn't seem to apply. If I let it print any sheet that I select as active, it works just fine. Now I need to figure out how to switch it for userforms...
  15. Forrest77

    Is there a way to select a network printer before Userform1.Printform

    Yep, I tried that. I made it the default and then when it was yellow and I held the mouse over the yellow debug over the Application.ActivePrinter part, it shows the default I had just chosen. I made sure I copied it exactly like it was but I'll try again and keep playing with it. Thanks...
  16. Forrest77

    Is there a way to select a network printer before Userform1.Printform

    PH, Not having much luck so far. I tried various reditions of the Application.ActivePrinter. The Nws41479 is the name of the pc that has the shared printer on the network. Application.ActivePrinter = "\\Nws41479\Zebra DA402" Application.ActivePrinter = "\\Nws41479\Zebra DA402 on Ne03:"...
  17. Forrest77

    Is there a way to select a network printer before Userform1.Printform

    In My Excel Application, I have various Userforms that will need to be printed from different network printers. The printer I need to select is a network label printer. I have looked all over this site and others for some example that I can tweak to my needs but thus far have come up with...
  18. Forrest77

    Trying IF/Then to pick out individual letters in a cell?

    Rofeu, I gave yours a try but it error out on the If Instr(1,Cell.Value, "E") > 0 then Not sure what has happened. However PH, You have done it again. Your code works just fine. You helped me once before and again you are here. Do you have any recommendations of a book or something in...
  19. Forrest77

    Trying IF/Then to pick out individual letters in a cell?

    I have a cells that have a combination of letters like "EGM". I have been trying to make and If/Then that if the cell contains an "E", then I will ask it to copy and paste some cells. So far all I have is: If Sheet1.Range("b12:b12") = "=E" Then GoTo line1 Else GoTo line2 line1...
  20. Forrest77

    Want to Select and Cut the Next Non Empty Cell in a Column

    PH, Well you got it and it works perfectly. It skips the first cell in the column but after that it works fine. If I leave the first cell blank, it will work just like it should. Your code looks easy and I was trying to make it too hard. I need a good book on this stuff. Thanks again Todd

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