I always feel like the answers are obvious after I figure them out...I ended up using the subform on Exit with an acPrevious record. I have some code that ensures there is at least one record and that the current record values are all blank before I run the acPrevious.
It works great.
I read a...
I have a datasheet input form. If the user tabs to the next record but nothing is entered the record shows as dirty on save, add, close, etc and an error script pops open until the user manually clicks in a previous record.
It is annoying to always get this message but necessary for data...
Sorry I was abbreviating....it is setup like that.
Select * From tbl WHERE tbl.Name="Test" AND (tbl.ID1=5 OR tbl.ID2=5 OR tbl.ID3=5).
I want to find all of the records where the Name is Test and the ID is 5 in any of the 3 ID Fields.
I have cobbled together a query
select * where ID1 OR ID2 OR ID3 = 5
but I can't get the query
select * where name="Test" AND (ID1 OR ID2 OR ID3=5).
I can't get the AND filter to work the results of the ID OR Filter.
Is there a way to use the DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink to an OLEDB provider. I can get it to work with ODBC, but not OLE.
I want to be able to switch between multiple databases on the fly without having to setup multiple ODBC connections.
On a form in Datasheet view I have a script that saves the previously entered combo box value to strItemID after update.
When the next record ItemID combo gets focus, it automatically fills in with the previously entered value of strItemID.
The problem is that there is then no way to add another...
I figured out a solution.
I added a second SQL statement to find the TestID where Test = NewData and it worked.
Set db = CurrentDb()
sql = "Select Test FROM stblLabTests"
sqlNewData = "Select TestID FROM stblLabTests WHERE Test ='" & NewData &...
I have a NotInList issue.
I want the value to be added to the list...which it is and then automatically filled in.
So where it says ctl = Empty, I want it to say ctl = NewData.
The problem is that the bound column is an autonumber, so NewData may be Bob but the unique TestID for Bob is 5.
I know I can alter table to increase a char(10) to char(20), but is there a way to go the otherway and reduce the field size as long as the data in the field still meets the new char size?
I understand the concept, but I don't know what a foreign key is in Access and don't see it in the help.
The tblSQLPR is linked through an ODBC connection.
I have a list of Projects that I pull from a SQL database.
Table SQLPR.
I don't want to mess with tblSQLPR or the database, but I need to add some more fields like line length, line size, project type etc. so I created an .mdb file.
I want the project list to always be current but I can't figure...
...I have a lot of fields, a photo and a subreport. It won't all fit on one page, and I want to tell it where to separate with page breaks, but when the Detail secion expands over * 8.25 it totally messes up the formating.
I might not be approaching this right, so any help would be appreciated.
I have looked everywhere for this record in WINS.
I have 7 WINS servers and I have checked in all of the databases, just in case something did not replicate correctly.
I have also looked through all of the DHCP databases to see if anything looks out of the place there with no luck.
The mshome workgroup keeps popping up in my network neighborhood but I can't figure out where it is coming from. It's probably someone plugging in a laptop from home, but I want to back track who it is since this is not allowed.
Any suggestions?
Worked for me Bob...Thanks!!!!
I setup two Sorts on the same field
Date- Group On Month, results in Date Header
Date- Group On Individual Value, results in detail date text box
I have tried a couple of suggestions on this subject with no luck.
I would like the records to be displayed as...
6/01/2003-Task 1
6/05/2003-Task 2
6/22/2003 Task 3
Instead I am getting...
6/05/2003 Task 2
6/01/2003 Task 1
6/22/2003 Task 3
How do I sort by the month and have the...
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