Not quite. But I've come up with the answer. This lets me build it on the fly, and if my table size changes, I just change the loop count.
dim r1, r2 as range
dim column_num as single
column_num = begining column number
set r1 =...
Thanks for the tip. That works great in XP too! Would you be so gracious as to help me improve on that?
Is there a way to define a range object and - using a loop - define the cells in the range? (versus creating a named range)
Thanks again.
Thanks for the two replies, but those won't do the trick.
Combo: I do have screenupdating and calc off when calling the code provided. With respect to the Range(".,.,.").hidden, I get an error when trying to set the property on more than 1 column without selecting first.
I've got an excel app which gives the user the ability to hide or unhide multiple columns in a 2 dimension data table. Every 3rd column is hidden or unhidden for 75 column occurrences.
I'm using the code below for now, BUT IT TAKES FOREVER!
I think the key is to select multiple...
Happy Holidays, everyone!
I could sure use some help on this. I've got an EXCEL VBA app which captures copy events in order to retain / restore cell formats from a hidden sheet "template".
I use the cutcopymode and it works great EXCEPT when one grabs (the bottom right corner) and...
...- 1) = c.Offset(0, 1)
Next c
'make sure listbox isn't longer than the form
lbAll.Height = WorksheetFunction.Min(stdHeight * lbAll.ListCount, Me.Height)
DoEvents 'doing this to get the height to take
End Sub
Private Sub commandbutton1_Click()
Dim fCell As Range
For i = 0 To...
That's a great create solution! Here's a STAR.
I actually modified your code slightly (see below) to eliminate the checkbox. Therefore selection of an entry in the combobox becomes is the toggle itself (i.e. if on, turns, off and visa-versa).
public update_complete as boolean...
Hi Geoff.
I sure will. I'll be on the road for 2 days, so giv me til Thursday to gt back to you.
Thanks again for your investment in this.
Hi Zathras:
Let me try this out, but it doesn't sound like it's achieving my objective, which is to show a complete list of the available sheets AND whether they are selected or not. With the ability to turn sheets "on" or "off" while scrolling up & down.
I'm gonna go try...
Hi Geoff,
First of, thanks for the time already spent on this.
Well, I followed your instructions and sure enough it worked. But it's not the effect I was going for. Hopefully we can build on this to get to where I want.
I was looking to have a list (combox?) populated with all of the sheets...
It looks like you understand my objective. You're final sentence looks like what I'm trying to acheive.
In regards to the "where do the tick boxes come into play...", the answer is BOTH. I'd like to use the form to select which sheets will have the action performed on, but I...
Hi folks.
I've never been able to make much use of the combo boxes or lists on a form, but I think my latest needs necessitates it (OR DOES IT?? Alternatives??)
I maintain a dynamic (hidden) cell range range of sheets within a workbook. I've got that working fine.
I perform some functions...
No schweat, Geoff.
I appreciate the useful tip. As long as I've been in Tek-tips (couple years) you've always been gracious in sharing your time and knowledge.
FYI - I'm about to post a new ? regarding forms / lists / combo boxes. I'd love to get your feedback.
All the best!
Thanks, Geoff.
That's a great tip that I can use (I've been stringing together the range portion of the REFERS TO of the NAMES.ADD to change the range).
But, I'm not sure how that's help me keep my list of sheets up to date when sheets are DELETED? Am I missing something.
FYI - My app have...
ETID: Unfortunately that's not an option.
MARK: Yeah, that's probably the best way. And by the way, I discovered there were several other threads addressing this same issue. Shoulda done my search first.
Thanks for the replies.
Hello Tippers!
Is there a way to capture when a sheet is RENAMED? I've got routines that maintain dynamic sheet lists based on adds & deletes, but the RENAME has got me stumped.
Thanks in advance.
First of all, it's great to hear from you again! Hope all is well.
Second. Once again, you've solved my problem. Here's a star
All the best to you!
Thanks for the reply. You got it.
Here's the code up to the save. Below is also the relevant code in the BeforeSave event:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
If ThisWorkbook.Saved = False Then
save_msg = "Save changes to " &...
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