if you know where the character is to be placed you could use awk to read the file, write to a new file and add the character at the appropriate point - assuming that it is a text file and that you can uniquely identify the insertion point.
...Simply change the criteria to [Forms]![frmCriteriaDivPM]![txtRegion] and you will only see data for that region. i.e. remove LIKE, the "*" and the ampersands (&).
Using LIKE "*1*" means you want to get everything with a 1 in it such as 1, 10, 11 , 12 up to 19 then 21, 31...
Create a table with two fields: NextNumber and SetDate.
Each time you create a record you get the NextNumber, save it with the YY from format(date()"yy-") and rewrite NextNumber to its table after incrementing it by 1.
In the OnLoad event of your main form put in some code to compare...
In the report design drag the bottom of the detail section down so that it takes up all of the page. You may need to do a little testing to get exactly the right size.
First, the till drawer.
Usually this will be done via a serial port. You would open the port, say COM1, and write a string to the port.
You will need to know the communication parameters required by the till; data bits, stop bit, speed and parity if my memory is correct.
Look at OPEN COMx in...
This may help you to start:
assume your # is 302 in a numeric variable named intNumber
'create an array
DIM intNumbers(6) as integer
txtNumber = str(intNumber) ' convert to a string
intNumber(1) = txtNumber '302
intNumber(2) = left(txtNumber,1) & right(txtNumber,1) &...
If you go to:
you will find the code you need.
It invokes the standard Windows file Open/Save dialog.
Try this for your dlookup:
varFreightCompany = DLookup("[FreightCompany]", "tblFreightCompany", "[FreightCompany] = '" & FreightCompany & "'")
You will notice the pair of ' around the field name you are using to compare with [FreightCompany].
You could put some code onto the ON EXIT event of your text field. You could then test the field for your required contents and display an error message using a message box if it is incorrect.
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