...+ ALLTRIM(STR(thisform.branchcount))
&theCmd.caption = curbranch.Branch_Num
&theCmd.width = 100
&theCmd.top = 60 + ((thisform.branchcount - 1) * 40)
&theCmd.left = 10
this is my code embedded in a loop to try and add multiple objects at runtime. Is this right or do I need to do it thus...
well, I was actually setting the recordsource to a cursor, the problem is that when you do that. the grid automatically sets itself to read only and the user cannot select the things in the way I want them to. Say for instance that I want col 1 to hold 'Cat', 'Carrot', & 'Calcium' and then col...
I may be trying to use the wrong control here and if so please let me know. What I am trying to do is this. I need to manually populate a grid with values for the user to make some choices. I dont have the data in a recordset or anything, but I like the format of the grid for this purpose...
thanks. the sparce property did correct the problem I was having with the combo boc not showing. However, I am still unable to select anything from the combobax because it grid control it still read only. I am now selecting the SQL into a cursor and useing that as my datasource for the grid...
I have a grid control with three columne that I am populating from an sql statement. I have the RecordSourceType set to 4 = SQL and this automatically sets the grid to read only. The problem I have is that I am populating columns 1 & 2 from that source and a combo box in the third column from...
I have jumped into a project midstream and am having some issues trying to modify this project that I don't think should be problems at all. On this one form I have an input box (class Fhtextbox) DOB that is date formatted with the '/'s pre-entered into the box so that the user only has to...
thanks olaf. I think My version of foxpro hasn't got the help stuff so I am trying my best using an old copy of the MSDN. I rarely stay with the hardcoded things after Iget the thing working but I have found them easier examples to post in a forum like this since they are generally easy to...
thanks, I had just found the mkdir command myself and got that to working. I will go check around more to see what there is to see. I will be checking back here to though so if anyone happens to know, I would still appreciate any more help on this.
I have done that too. And it looks to be ok. The thing I do know is this, When I go manually make a file outside of adobe, say a text file, then rename it so adobe will open it I get the same adobe error as I get when I run this code. So it looks like I need a way to create a blank adobe file...
...be appreciated.
myPath = "c:" + curdir() +"Data\Charts\" + alltrim(str(chart.key)) + ".pdf"
if ! directory("c:" + curdir() + "Data\Charts") then
*Code to make directory here, any help here would be appreciated
doIt = .T.
if ! file(mypath) then
myHandle = fcreate(mypath,0)
...Any suggestions on this?
myPath = curdir() +"\Data\Charts\" + alltrim(str(chart.key)) + ".pdf"
if ! directory(curdir() + "\Data\Charts") then
*Code to make directory here, any help here would be appreciated
if ! file(mypath) then
myHandle = fcreate(mypath,2)
myResult =...
Well, that would be ok except I need to create the file as well as open an existing one.
Is there a way to get the path of the programs working directory? That would be great because I am trying to keep the user from having to designate the target directory.
What I am trying to accomplish is to open an adobe file for the selected client so that the user can scan in information or whatever they want to do with this adobe file. What I have is this from poking around on this forum.
myPath = "\Data\charts\" + str(chart.key) + ".pdf"
myResult =...
I am using reference to Excel 10.0 library.
code xlSheet.Range("A2").NumberFormat = "#,##0.00" does not change the formatting of the cell. I had expected it to change it to a custom format but it did not. 4 still displayed as 4, not 4.00. Actually what I am needing is to set to Number with 2...
...will work and I use a form of character stuffing basically to place a (") where ever I need one, for instance if I have the string,
select * from table where idnum = "10"; it becomes
sqlstring = "select * from table where idnum = ""10"";"
I think you can do whta you are wanting to.
Try something like this.
Dim SQLString as String
SQLString = "select codes from tablename where idNum = """ & idNumberBox.value &""";"
This should build the querry:
select codes from tablename where idNum =...
Did you try trapping the error? If you do a thing like:
On Error Goto Err_Handler
< Write your Code >
exit sub <or function>
msgbox "There were no records"
end sub <or function>
The program won't cash but you won't have any data either.
I was looking at your code again and was wondering why not divide by two everytime. you could start the counter at 1024 and divide by 2 each time and I think it will end up being faster. If I am wrng about this, please let me know why because I think this is interesting code and worth a look...
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