Dear All:
Problem solved. Here's an interesting (yet simple) method to do what I was wanting. Take a table and fill it with cells. You can merge where needed to expand data area. Then simply put the image you want as a background. I hadn't thought of that until recently. Thank you though...
As posted from earlier:
DaProgrammer (Programmer) Jul 28, 2004
Negative, using VB 4.0 with updated service packs. I am trying this forum b/c there was no reply in the vb 4 forum. Also, alot of the VB5 and 4 are very closely related.
Thanks anyway though :-(
....VB has too many error codes.....
new error!
Open "A:\clientraw.txt" For Input As #1
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, InputData
aryInput = Split(InputData, " ")
For i = LBound(aryInput) To UBound(aryInput)
' Displays all array entries
MsgBox aryInput(i)
Close #1
By doing what johnwm said to do, I now get...
Open "A:\clientraw.txt" For Input As #1
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, InputData
aryInput = Split(InputData, " ")
For i = LBound(aryInput) To UBound(aryInput)
' Displays all array entries
MsgBox aryInput(i)
Close #1
It highlights...
I went to that link and all works except the first part...
Function Split(ByVal Text As String, Optional ByVal Delimiter As String = " ",Optional ByVal Limit As Long = -1, Optional CompareMethod As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare) As Variant
It highlights the the = " " after String...
Negative, using VB 4.0 with updated service packs. I am trying this forum b/c there was no reply in the vb 4 forum. Also, alot of the VB5 and 4 are very closely related.
...n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, hh, ii, z, aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, gg
Close #1
I simply do not understand where my problem is. Is there an alternative method to inputing this data, each into seperate variables?
-Thanks Much in Advance,
Eric A. Hill
This may seem like a simple question to some of you, but how do you do simple math in HTML. For example....
I have 3 xml files with temperatures in them. I want when html file loads, it to average the 3 of them.
Thanks Much,
Ok, but two things:
1. How do i add more items in different positions?
2. By declaring a designated position, won't it change when in different screen resolutions?
OK! Scratch that last one as i have figured it out partially. I can get the caption on the image, but if i put the Span statement after the image it is nolonger in it. So, it has to be before. In that case, however, I am unable to adjust the text, without adjusting the image. Help...
Dear All,
Im sure that this can be done, but I am wanting to make an image and on certain coordinates, input data from an XML file across the web. I know how to insert the XML data into anywhere on the page, but i do not know how do this over an image at designated coordinates. PLEASE...
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