All calls on 801, 802, 803, 804, and 811 ring once to the entire system, then dump into AA1. Currently so does 805. 805 should not. I am not capable of printing anything from the system as I only have the console phone (the LCD phone) to program with. I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge with...
Thanks for your quick response, however, I followed your steps provided and I found that I have 2 groups, 770 which only lists 811 and 771 that includes 805-810. Is there anything else I can do or maybe some info that I can provide to make this easier? Thanks for all your help so far.
I have a Legend phone system and we are a split company with lines 801, 802, 803, 804, and 811 answered by AA1. These work fine, however, the other side of the building does not want AA service on their lines (805-810) 805 is currently being answered by AA2 which I removed and it defaulted to...
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