HI TLDuk, it seems that mailinator.com is a bit quick to delete mails that it thinks is spam :( Could you resend to piersmac@live.com?
Many Thanks,
Thanks again for all your suggestions, TLDUK, I don't have permission to download the BIT images according to Nortel, I've tried emailing them but they have been less than helpful :/
I can't find an option to send offline messages through the forum but if anyone wants to contact me you can use...
Thanks to everyone who has offered help!! I am still no further with identifying the software as the old hard drive is dead dead dead :( I get nothing from the terminal port nothing on the phones :( I know nothing about how to programme or configure this system, but am willing to learn if...
This is part of the problem, the unit has 3.5 written on it, but we have an upgrade disc here which is a 3.7 to 4.0 upgrade. This unit had been doing its job without any alterations until it died and none of the current staff have ever even entered the control panel for it!! So we have no idea...
I am in the UK, can any one recommend a helpful vendor? How do I transfer licensing data as I have absolutely no documentation or original proof of purchase?
The hard drive on my BCM200 has died! It does not spin :( and I do not have any of the original software or documentation from when it was purchased new!! We are a small company and the staff who originally set it up no longer work here, Nortel can not help us because we don't have the log...
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