Is their a way to make a check box 1 pt verses just hair line Border Width? When I print the form out the check box is barely visible.
I tried changing the Border Width but has no effect for check box fields. Works great for other fields.
Thanks in advance...Dan
Thanks Dhookom,
I had to put the requery code on the main form tab. Thus when the user clicks the client tab the requery code is executed. It works but is a little trouble some for the user.
I tried putting the requery code a command button on the payment form but that didn't work.
I also...
My main form consist of veteran client information. (Tab 1)
The veteran data subform contains the detailed information pertaining to training and support services needed. (Tab 2)
Link Child Field = vClientID
Link Master Field = vClientID
The veteran payment subform contains the all the data...
I tried to force save the record but still having the same problem. I receive an error message saying the current record in not available.
What I get now on the payment subform is what the data subform looks like before any updates take place.
What I need is to have payment subform updated...
My access program has the following 3 tabs:
1. Client
2. Data
3. Payments
After I enter all the data in the data tab then go to the payment tab the data I just entered is not there.
The payment tab contains the same information as the data tab plus payment information.
If I go...
Thanks Seaport that work pretty good except it locks me in to that VeteranID; which I might have to accept.
Once I get to the Payment form I wanted the ability to go through all Veteran Payments for that Client (if need be).
Your way I have to go back to the VeteranID tab and select a...
My main form consists of 3 tabs as follows:
1. Client Tab
2. Veteran Tab
3. Payment Tab
I can have more than one veteran # per client, thus more than one payment.
When I select the Payment Tab, I want to select the same veteran # that the Veteran Tab was on.
Example: If the Veteran Tab was...
I made my code the same as yours except adding the macro.
When it trys to execute the macro is were the problem is.
Have you ever tried to run a macro in the following sub routine?
Private Sub TabCtl0_Change()
Yes, I used the OnChange event for my Tabs.
Here is my vb code:
Private Sub TabCtl0_Change()
Select Case Me.TabCtl0.Value
Case Is = 0
Case Is = 1
Case Is = 2
DoCmd.RunMacro ([Test mac])
'DoCmd.RunMacro [Veteran Payment mac]
Case Else
MsgBox "Select...
When I select a tab I am trying to run a macro but my macro isn't being executed. I know this because I placed a msgbox "Made it Here" command in the macro which doesn't display.
What is also weird; when I change my start-up option menu to "use access special keys" I get the following error...
Where do I access the Visual Basic Editor from?
The following property event options are all I have on the data tab selected:
On Click
On Dbl Click
On Move Click
on Mouse Move
On Mouse Up
Still Confused...Ludington
I am trying to do a refresh after a tab is selected on my form with no luck.
The only event options I have showing on the tab are as follows:
On Click - This event does not work. I can't even display a message here. Example: MsgBox "Made it here"
On Dbl Click
On Move Click
on Mouse Move
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