Final Code when “your field” has Null value is:
IIf(IsNull(InStr(1,[your field],",")=True),0,1+Len([your field])-Len(Replace([your field],',','')))
Thanks Everyone!
I have string data in one of my fields, separated by “,”. I would like to count how many times the “,” occurred in the field. If none, then I need to put 1.
Would you help please! Thanks..
It is the same type for all workstations. I also configure the file type the same way for all of these workstations. The only difference is some machines have group policies enabled on them and others do not. I do not know the selection in the group policy to remove that. Also I did disable the...
I have workstations that do not give me the option to open a downloaded file. They only give me “Save” and “Cancel” buttons. However other machine do show all three features. How do I enable this feature “Open” to show up, in addition to “Save” and “Cancel” buttons, so I can open the downloaded...
Thanks for the reply, however, withought going into much detail my Form works perfect and my data has been normalized. I have checkboxes made for the user to check to indicate whether they each task is completed or not during his/her shift. We have no issues whatsoever with a form that...
I posted this question in the Form thread. since I did not any response from others, I am wondering if I had placed the question in the right thread. Here is the question:
I have a form that has many check boxes (approx 76.) I would like to see if there is a way to point the mouse to one corner...
This one is a very challenging one. I have a form that has many check boxes (approx 76.) I would like to see if there is a way to point the mouse to one corner and drag it to go over many boxes (as desirable) in which the value of theses boxes to be changed (checked or unchecked). I know on...
I m still having a problem. Here is the code I used but it does not work:
Private Sub Command697_Click()
Dim dbNewRec As DAO.Database
Dim rstNewRec As DAO.Recordset
Set dbNewRec = CurrentDb
Set rstNewRec = dbNewRec.OpenRecordset("table1")
With rstNewRec
Dim chk As Variant
For Each chk...
Thank you Crowley16. I am a little slow. I can see how you are looping from check box to another but how to I copy the value of the check box to the table?
Thanks again.
I have a form that has many check boxes (over 61). After the user finishes checking the necessary boxes, I would like to step through each check box and copy them all to a table. The fields in the table have the same names as the check boxes names but not necessary in the same order of entry...
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