Don't know if this code-free method will skin the cat even easier, but I have one highly automated Excel SS with 3 charts whose plot values are + & - values (X axis crosses at 0) When the current plot values on the chart are all negative, or all positive, the zero line is off the chart. To...
Mike; Again tnx for the api code. I chose to bludgeon WMP into submission rather than use the api call because my SS is already over 3 megs, and I have to conserve every line of code. I can get the WMP to do it in 1 line;
Shell "c:\program files\windows media...
Thanks Mike - I'll put that code to the test, and to Geoff, as promised, virtually all my code sneezes are ironed out. Moving everything into one long vertical module, with Worksheet_Calculate at the top has solved all "error 13 type mismatch" messages, and after 3 1/2 Mo. of 8-14 hour...
Thanks, Geoff- Its taken me this long to try all the possible combinations. I think dealing with DDE is a whole new ballgame. For one thing, while incoming DDE data drives all my formulae updating, just as it should, there is no actual recalculation event, as there is whenever a user inputs...
In Excel 2000, DDE data updates and causes frequent automatic recalculation. Formulas thus update, filling two ranges with data to drive two charts. When the range for chart 2 is full, Cell "I70" returns the value 1, and when chart 3 range is full, Cell "I134" returns the...
Abstract: DDE incoming (stock)Time & Price data updates my Excel 2000 spreadsheet up to twice per second, per stock. 7 or 8 stocks take 14 to 15
columns. 2000 trades can occur in 5 min., but using 7 or 8 two-col. arrays, each 2000 rows deep consumes over 3 megs filesize. Instead of 15 x 2000, or...
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