The table have total 17547 records.
Below query returns 1980 records:
SELECT DISTINCT [mytable].[SUB NO], [mytable].TAX, [mytable].DATE, [mytable_1].TAX, [mytable_1].DATE
FROM [mytable] INNER JOIN [mytable] AS [mytable_1] ON [mytable].[SUB NO] = [mytable_1].[SUB NO]
dhookom!!!! You da man!
I see you everywhere. I don't know what can do without you. You deserve MVP!
Thanks a lot for quick response.
God bless you.
Needs some help to rewrite this query so that memo field does not get truncated:
SELECT DISTINCT ServiceRecords.ServiceRecordID, Customers.CustomerName, ServiceRecords.CustomerID, Orders.PONumber, OrderItems.ItemNumber, ServiceRecords.SerialNumber, ServiceRecords.ProblemDescription...
Here's my query that returns what I need. This query sorts the tblContribution.Type in ascending order:
PARAMETERS [Forms]![YearlyReport]![Start] DateTime, [Forms]![YearlyReport]![Start] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Sum(tblContribution.Amnt) AS AmntOfSum
SELECT tblContribution.Type...
Here's the query.
PARAMETERS [Forms]![IndividualContributionReport]![cbxIndividualName] Text ( 255 );
SELECT tblContribution.Type, tblContribution.Amnt
FROM tblContribution
WHERE (((tblContribution.Contributor)=[Forms]![IndividualContributionReport]![cbxIndividualName]));
This query may return...
This time I am changing the design of the query.
A customer never used a service so there's no charge.
So the customer's report has no data to display, and I get #Error for the Amnt field. I tried =[Amnt]+ " ", but it didn't work.
Yes, it could help if I added a statement explaining what I am trying to do. Sorry Duane. I will be more careful next time.
I will try your suggestion and let all know.
[Forms]![?????????]![???] = [Forms]!YearExpenseMonthlyReport]![BeginDate]
[Forms]![?????????]![????] = [Forms]!YearExpenseMonthlyReport]![EndDate]
AS ?? = AS Total
PARAMETERS [Forms]![?????????]![???] DateTime, [Forms]![?????????]![????] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Sum(tblExpense.Amnt) AS AmntOfSum
SELECT tblDepartment.Name AS DepartmentName, tblExpenseCategory.Category, Sum(tblExpense.Amnt) AS ??
FROM (((tblExpense INNER JOIN tblDepartment ON tblExpense.DepId =...
What if the field [NoOfDaysTaken] does not exist?
In another word, the query didn't return the field.
The query will return the field for next month.
Can I put a place holder?
I have a query which returns expense date (ExpDate).
I would like to group the ExpDate by months: 2004/01, 2004/02, 2004/03,...,2004/12. Then I want to display the months as columns. But I can not think of a way how to do it. Help.
Below is the query statement that selects departments and...
Sorry for lack of explanation on the problem.
I have a select criteria:
select sum(amnt) from ExpenseTable where expenseType = "Auto" and anotherCriteria = "somethingElse".
On a report, I have a textbox. I would like the textbox's data source be a query result.
For example, the query statement is "select sum(amount) from ExpenseTable".
What's the work around?
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