IFrame appears well. To make you understandive,
I can tell you that My template is designed
in such a way that
1)We have a static upper portion which holds main menu items.
2)We have a right frame(iFrAme) which is the target of menu items.
The problem is that the menu items and the...
IFrame appears well. To make you understandive,
I can tell you that the My template is designed
in such a way that
1)We have a static upper portion which holds main menu items.
2)We have a right frame which diaplays the menu items
links or simply I can say target of menu items.
Sorry I apologize. I am new to this forum manners and if
I used any name kindly forgive.
I work for an organization and moreover it is a voluntary work.I am gaining all sort of experiences from this
development process.
Even the link citywastepaper.com is a new experience.
How can I sent my...
To Include Server Side things we get our web site hosted
by other ISP. We doesn't have dedicated server for the time
So our application is fully oriented with Client Side
My scenario of usage of IFrame is to redirect html pages
dispalyed within the tempalte that I have designed for my web site.
It is working fine in IE.But not active in Netscape.
So can you suggest an alternative of IFrame,sothat I can get my things working on both browsers.
One of my...
Thanks for your comments.I know that fuctionality and
usage of iframe very well.
But I am having very good control of my menus over all the
areas except over an iFrame area of the html page.
I would like to know any other alternative to iframe,
as i have problem in getting my menu dispalyed over
iFrame area.
I mean displaying menutitems over iframe area is ok, but
selecting the menuitems is a big issue.
I have a similar situtation like this.
I am successfull to display my drop down menu over
an html page. But my menu is hiding back at an embedded
flash object area in an html page.
Kindly tell some suggestions to resolve this.
Hi Everyone
I have a scenario like this.
I can display my drop down menu over an html page.
But while doing the same thing on an html page which
embeds a flash object, my menu is hiding at the back.
on that particualr area on which the flash object is embeded.
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