I've emailed in the past about our voice messaging card not always working right-it's really odd because it's so sporadic.We've tried all of the things you recommended-and really need to get something working.What I would like to do is just get a basic answering machine to us in place of this.We...
Hi Chris-Thanks for answering.Actually sometimes the light never does light up-and we are noticing the messages a long time later.Something must be wrong with it--we did get wondering,too--if 2 calls come in at the same time and we are not here to answer them--can the VMC pick up them both at...
I asked about this in the past and thought the problem went away-I know one of you gave me more advice and I forgot what it was-so here goes again.We have a Partner Release 1 phone system with a Voice Messaging PC card.At times the message light will not light up even though there are...
Chris-I'm not sure what you mean when you say call ext 78 and 79.As far as your directions about Feature 09,I haven't tried that yet either.The guy in our office that knows more about this than me has been swampped and this is not a priority right now.I also think it would be easier to be...
Thanks for the input.We did reset the system and are going to watch and see what happens.It't can't be that the call volume is too high-we're a very small company and don't get that many calls.It would make more sense to me if it totally quit working-but it seems to be sporadic.
It appears to me that you are talking about Merlin mail-this is a Partner Voice Messaging card with 5 mailboxes-had been working until recently-nothing else has changed.
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