The listbox get's it values from another query.
I got the parentheses...
='" & BatchFiles.value & "'"
Yep it does make sense, but somehow I can't get it to work.
But I've made a workaround, deleted the report and made with the excel object my own report.
Screen.MousePointer = 11
1The data I use in the onclick event is from the listbox named "Batchfiles"
Private Sub Print_Click()
'On Error Resume Next
If MsgBox("Wilt u de selectie printen?", vbYesNo, "JCF - Print selectie") = vbYes Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptIncasso", acViewPreview, ...
Thanks so far, but I'm not there yet..
I changed the reportsource, it's not pointing to the query anymore. I pasted the query right behind it.
Then I set Filter On = Yes
Now when I press the button, a popup shows: Enter Parameter Value
When I leave the parameter blank, it will show all...
Hi all,
I'm new at this, never did a thing with MS Access...
This is my problem..
I have a form with 2 listboxes, the left listbox (Batchfiles) gets its data from a select statement. The onclick event "sends" data to the right listbox (lstDetails) with another query.
Private Sub...
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