The following is what I have at the top of my page. It passes
the W3C HTML Validator with no errors, but when I do a Print
Preview it sometimes doesnt format correctly. I think my
problems may be in the last 3 lines but I haven't found any
clear explinations yet. Previously I used a linked...
Thanks, hilfy, I'll try to explain a little differently.
I wish to use a wild card in my lookup search, currently it will not accept the " * " as valid.
I may be offtrack (common) but the book says to add foPartialCompare to FilterOptions which will allow "*" as a valid...
Hi! The filters for my lookup program are hand coded. I understand that if they were defined in the Object Inspector I could add to the FilterOptions to include foPartialCompare.
I wish to allow a " * " wild card in the searches.
What wording in the hand coding do I look for so that I...
I believe it is set up using TTable with an Advantage local client server, as the search is implemented using Filters. TStringGrid accepts the user inputs and matches are displayed in the TDBGrid, nothing but the user input shows in the StringGrid. I do not fully understand exactly how the...
I am using a TStringGrid and a TDBGrid in a lookup program, and would like to add the capability to search using a wildcard like " * " in the search. All 4 search fields are Character fields. Could someone shed some light on how I need to go about doing this?
I got it!!!!
Used the following SaveDialog and it works!
Thanks a bunch!
SaveDialog1.FileName := (MyPath +'PPL Jan/') + MainData.FieldByName('STREETNO').AsString+' '+
MainData.FieldByName('STREETDIR').AsString+' '+...
Ok I commented out the "Execute" line, but nothing happened when I clicked the Save button because I have not specified where it is to be saved.
So I need to set the directory... (MyPath+'PPL Jan/*.htm')...to a variable and add it into the ...
SaveDialog1.FileName :=(...
The truth is ..I don't know how to do it or what to use. It seems that SaveFile would work if I new how to implement it.
Currently I am only capable of modifying existing code and I haven't found an example that I can understand yet.
Hi !
1) I don't need the user selecting the name (it is selected by the code).
2) I don't need the user selecting the directory .(it will be selected by the code)
My problem is that I can't get the the code correct so it will save programatically, without user input.
the following code calls the windows save dialog and works just fine, but I wish to specify (no options) where the file is saved. i have read all I can find about SaveFile but can't figure out how to implement it.
procedure TFormMain.ButtonSaveClick(Sender: TObject)...
Very new at this ... What you sent may work but where do I put it? The book is not clear concerning this. The following is from Unit1.pas. I would prefer to learn this to using the Object Inspector if possible.
Thanks for your response!
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages...
Having trouble getting user input text connected in a way to bring up matches from dbf table. Been using (trying) Delphi 7 for 1 week. Trying to do this with DataSource and DataComboBox with the one table on the client machine. Does anyone have a (simple) example they could show me. I am not...
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