What specific files I can select using those codes?
I still don't know how to use the ODBC connections. Can you give me a step by step on how to use it for foxpro?
Thanks, ewqdas.
thank you for the replies.. but what does these codes do??
LEFT(MemoFld,200) as First200,;
SUBSTR(MemoFld,201,200) as Secnd200,;
SUBSTR(MemoFld,401,200) as Third200,;
SUBSTR(MemoFld,601,200) as Forth200,;
and so on....,
Is there any assurance that the memo field will be included in the export? because it is the only field that we can't export and will it export every fields through your process?
about this part Cd (GetDir("","Where do you want the SDF files?","Specify Destination Directory",0,.F.)).. what's the difference between "Where do you want the SDF files?" and "Specify Destination Directory"?
What I mean is that for example.. a.dbf b.dbf c.dbf im going to migrate these tables to a.sdf b.sdf c.sdf without exporting it one by one
Thank you OlafDoschke and MikeLewis
* Get tables names into an array
lnCount = ADBOBJECTS(laTables, "TABLE")
* Loop through the array
FOR lnI = 1 TO lnCount
USE (laTables(lnI))
* Make the output filename the same as the table's,
* but with TXT instead of DBF
lcFile = FORCEEXT(laTables(lnI),"txt")...
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