what we want to do is make our database read only to some user and make other users have full control over the database. How would this be done?
Thank You for your time
How do you make a template for a report. ex we have more than one report but want them all to have the same style and formatting.What we want to do is make our own modified template that can be used for all the reports. The reason we want this is because all our tables have the same fields but...
I need some help. I have a list box field with two values in it. "Active" and "Deleted". I use code for the form on current property. [Jobstatus] = "Active" It works fine. Every record I go to it shows Active. But the problem is that if I choose Deleted on a record...
I need some help. I have a list box field with two values in it. "Active" and "Deleted". I use code for the form on current property. [Jobstatus] = "Active" It works fine. Every record I go to it shows Active. But the problem is that if I choose Deleted on a record...
Hello, what's the code to clear out field(s) in Access? (Take note I'm using Access 97) What I mean is that say if you had 4 fields. Employee name, Address, Phone, and Position. You want to keep the employee name, address, phone and clear out position field when you click a button. Exp. Clear...
I'm using DAO. So some of the ADO codes that you gave me bring back sytax errors. Is there a difference? Take note I'm using Access 97. But I did manage to use my update button and transfer the data. As soon as I click it the fields go into the history table. Here's the code I used.
Sorry. The question is how do you do this? That you take those fields and store it to other table. And clear them out from that record. Do you do this throught VBA?
I just have a question. Say if you had 6 fields. Exp. SSN, ID, CCP on the top of the form and name, address, notes, gender on the botttom. And we make a history button that as soon as we click it, it will clear out those fields (name, address, notes, gender) and it will take that same...
I have a couple of fields that i want to stay the same once i press the add new record button so i can see it on each record. I dont want to press ctrl+; or enter it in manually how would i do this?
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