Thanks for getting back so quick, were the ammount is calculated he has
="Summary for"&"Name'="&"("&Count(*)&""&llf(Count(*)=1."detailrecord"'"detail records")&")"
And hes got Sum([Balance]) were the ammount appears
is that what you mean?
Sorry Richard to stuff you around ive been away. There isent a field called balances, In the Reports the balance is the total for an Itemised account of what customers have purchased for each Month.
Hi Richard,i made a query table like you said with all the account information(ammount bought,ammount paid etc)and thats great it tells us alot but
I really do need the accounts balances brought forward from last months account, i was fidelling all day but i cant figure this bit of your letter...
Thankyou very much for helping.
The Tables are: CUSTOMERS & TRANSACTIONS. In Customers under field name there is, Customer I.d(auto number), Name(text),Address(text),Suburb(text),Postcode(text),Telephone(text).
In Trasactions under field name there is,Transaction I.d(auto...
Yes i am inexperienced but i live in a very small country town and have asked and showed all the computer people in town(not many) and they have no idea Especially the guy that made the program, he hasent got a clue.
Please can you guide me through what you need to know, as i can learn
hi, can you help im not sure what you need to know but im wondering do you have a formula to bring forward the ballance of the ammount on a account in REPORTS. I first put all information into FORMS witch distributes it onto everyones account(200 or more)in th REPORTS.
thanks krissykat
Sorry everyone, the accounts information are first put into FORMS and we go to the Reports to print the accounts out and look at what they have brought. I need the totals from the Reports to carry forward each month
thanks krissykat
Hi,i have a annoying problem I have over 200 accounts running in Microsoft Access a so called computer guy made the program for us(he cant figure it out) BUT it dosent carry the previous months balance forward and add it to this current month Please anyone know the code pleeeeease it takes sooo...
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