Okay- I did do that and create a formula (with no errors) - however it is still not returning records that do not have a commenttype. so if that field is blank and the guest has one of the codes of V!, V2 or V3 it is not printing the information.
if isnull{rescomments.commtype}or not({rescomments.commtype} in ["FO", "HK", "VIP"])then ""else{rescomments.comments}
okay- it is now a formula; however still getting the same error.
{res.arrivedate} in {?Begin Arrival Date } to {?End Arrival Date } and
{res.status} <> "CXL" and
{res.vipcode} in ["V1", "V2","V3"] and
{res.hotelnum} = {?Hotel Number}and
if isnull{rescomments.commtype}or
not({rescomments.commtype} in ["FO", "HK", "VIP"])then
I have a VIP report to pull with comments.
There is a vipcode field and a commenttype field. I need three different vipcodes and the comments from three different commenttypes; however even if the commenttype is null and the person has the vipcode I need that person to print on the report...
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