Hi. Everyone
I’m using xslt styllesheet to transform my xml doc. into an html doc. The task includes embedding some JavaScript code for validation purpose, till this point there is no problem everything is going right. Once I tried to get an xhtml doc instead of html, JavaScript problem was...
Hi. Everyone
I’m using an xslt stylesheet to transform my xml document to an html doc. In addition I need to include some pieces of JavaScript for validation purpose. JavaScript code needed to be placed between /* <![CDATA[*/ and /*]]>*/ in order to avoid parsing issue. So far so good, but what...
hi.. again
So far so good, but what has derived me crazy is that why at run time the xslt processor weed out the <![DATA and ]]> from the target html document and just keep /**/. This is obvious by browsing the source code in the browser. And what surprise me is that the special JavaScript...
Thanks monksnake
but in my case it doesn't work. here is my code. could you plz tell what is the roung with my code?
<script language="JavaScript">
function isvalid(){
var myelements=document.getElementsByTagName("input");
var counter=myelements.length
for (var...
Hi. Everyone
I’m using an xslt stylesheet to transform my xml document to an html doc. This task requires to include some pieces of JavaScript code in the <head> part of the target doc. unfortunately, xslt is unable to parse some of JavaScript signs and operators such as (&& - < - >= - ; and so...
thanx alot tsuji.
it works perfect, but when i embaded this functions in the xslt file which translates xml into html i got an error preventing my xslt file from validation. for example this line
for (var i=0;i<celem.length;i++) {
returns an error message says:
A name contained an invalid...
thanx rac2 4 helping me.
Actually my html doc is generated dynamically from an XML doc by XSLT. This means I can’t bind my document to any specific fields. In addition, I need to validate my HTML fields field by field it is not just for Empty fields but for many other data type validation. So, I...
Hi. 2 u
Could u tell me plz what’s wrong with my following code. I’d like to validate my HTML fields field by field. So, I can’t leave the first textbox unless it has been validated. My code allows me to submit empty fields. What’s wrong?
Any help is appreciated
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