Hi again, Skip. Good morning (almost morning here in Norway). I am back from work and trying to do the coding :). Is Could I bother you with some questions?
a) I have allready written the whole script with the proper formatting. But - when I list every style in use - for some reason the code...
Hi Skip,
Here in Norway it is almost midnight - and I am going on a shoot tomorrow, so I have to go to bed. But thank you SOOOOO much for your help. I did not realize befor now, that it is possible to get this kind of help from a forum - you have been so helpful. My deadline is on monday. You...
Eh... I am not sure about the difference between a style and a paragraph? I think the best is to just have one variant to stick to - the style object? Or what do you mean. Sorry for being such a newbee. M
Hi Skip,
I am trying to auto-build a userform based on the custom-made styles in the document. Which means; no table-style, no normal-style and so on. Just the styles I have made - turned into check boxes which I can check and uncheck to make a report. I have managed to do this a rather crocky...
Hi again, SkipWought. I tried your method in a new document - and got the same result. The problem is - I just need my custom styles. Like
And 3-4 custom headings for writing notes to the staff:
Thank you so much for replying mintjulep, as I am on a deadline here :). Tried your code - but it just listed all styles in document - not the USED styles? I got like a hundred results?
[ponytails2]Hi there,
Is there an easy way in vba (word 2010) to detect the used styles in a document and add them as check boxes on a userform, where I can hide/show the styles by toggle check box status? And automatically add another check box, named "All visible" that shows/hide all...
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