Alright, i know this is really simple to do, i just haven't used it in a long time. I would like to change the font color of a couple links that i have on a page, and leave the rest of the links the same. I remember there was a real simple and easy way to do this,but i just forgot how and can't...
oh thank you tnsbuff, your scripts helped out so much. I am undergoing putting up vehicle pics on my car clubs website and need to know how to do that so bad. I just have one question real quick, what would be the easiest way to put a description of each pic with this code? I'm not that great...
well crap, got any suggestions on places that i can just sit the cgi or whatever at and like use remote access to use it? I'm not using a free geocities account, kinda sucks though.
Alright, I used to be alright with Javascript and forms and stuff, but my knowledge has been lacking a lot lately. Well I have run into a problem. I have a website hosted at Geocities, and they don't allow cgi to be used. So I need a javascript that will just send what the user entered in the...
Buttons are wonderful OldNewbie. Thank you so much. The play button, if the song ends up playing all the way through, will pick back up on the track it left off on. Still they are great, thanks alot.
Oh thank you so much man. What would make it so that it wouldn't take a couple secs to go? or would it be too big of a hassle to do? i should have asked earlier, but no, i didn't think about it. can you send me the .fla back?
also, what would get the play button to start up on the current track?
alright, yea i can rename the tracks. Can you get the ">" button to start at whatever song its sitting on, like if the user stops the song on track3, then they hit play again it starts on track3, if not thats fine, just have it start on track1
yes i realize they are set to stream and...
alright, well there wasn't a track2, guess i can't count, and i didn't notice the size that i had track4 at until just now, so i just got rid of it.
So just rename track3 to track 2. Ill just have 3 tracks right now.
thanks alot man.
got an e-mail addy i can send it too? if so i will e-mail it to you. sorry, it was just taking up too much space. I don't have that much space really to begin with, only 25 mb.
alright, i have done what you said, exactly what you said, and it still doesn't work. I have it up at my site
I put the mp3s in the same folder as the swf, put the exact script you told me to put on the next button, and i still get nothing.
oh yea, i had to take down...
Alright, is that supposed to be
if (_root.i==4)
2 equal signs? if so that cool, just wanting to make sure. Also, to make a prev button, just switch the + signs with - signs? And what would I put on the play button? just no + or - symbols, everything else the same? Sorry I have to ask so many...
there is both the .fla and the .swf. I know they are not the greatest, but if you could just get me something so I can just look at it and figure it out, it would help. Like something I can just...
Ok, its official, I don't like Flash. Can you just tell me how to do it so I can get it over with. I seriously do not get along with Flash, too many things to learn to do one simple thing. I'm definitely a Dreamweaver, Photoshop guy, not Flash.
alright, well then you just completely lost me. I'm pretty new to all this flash stuff, and its hard for me to learn because i don't know where i can get some examples of how to do this from. Once I get something to look at like that, i will figure it out quite easy, then probably slap myself...
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