select *
from msdb..sysjobs
where upper(convert(varchar(34), master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(convert(varbinary(16), job_id)))) ='0x8501EDDEF96F7942A6DD6573CF5D9874'
Got it
Thanks in advance!!!
Colin in da 'Peg :)
How can I convert
into the matching job id that looks like this:
Thanks in advance!!!
Colin in da 'Peg :)
Job_ID does not match the format:
Job ID is in this type of format:
So I'm not where where you are going with this? do you have script?
Thanks in advance!!!
Colin in da 'Peg :)
How do I tell from this:
SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep (Job 0x8501EDDEF96F7942A6DD6573CF5D9874 : Step 1)
What actual job is running?
Thanks in advance!!!
Colin in da 'Peg :)
ok but once you do that you lose the option to
"Move pages to beginning of file before shrinking"
My problem is that I have a HUGE database and a datafile in that database that has TONNES of free space but I can't shrink it down.
I can't shrink the whole database with Re-org (can't take the...
I know through enterprise manager you can shrink the whole db with reorganizing the pages, etc.
Can you do this for an individual datafile?
Thanks in advance!!!
Colin in da 'Peg :)
I have a view that is made up of 3 partitioned tables. If I specify the index hint that I would like for each of the tables within the view will those hints be used when selecting from the view
Select * from tbl_1 WITH(INDEX(idx_1))
Select * from...
Can anyone tell me how Truncate Table and Drop Table are different? I know (obviously) DROP TABLE actually gets rid of the table but in doing the DROP TABLE does SQL just truncate the data and then drop the object?
The reason I ask is that if I truncate a 400 million row table it takes approx...
Does anyone know what exactly sp_updatestats does?
It says it updates the stats for ALL user tables but I find that in running sp_updatestats performance does not increase as much as if I run UPDATE STATISTICS.
so what's I'm wondering is, is does sp_updatestats just do the stats it "thinks" it...
Sorry (new to this stuff)
I see send, receive, and insert. Is there something I can do to basically see the count of messages that are queued?
Thanks in advance!!!
Colin in da 'Peg :)
Hey everyone
ok here's the situation... I have a script on Server1 and at the end of the script I call a stored proc via linked server connection to Server2
ie) Server2.database.dbo.proc
what this proc does is BCP's in about 3 million rows of data.
It gets to about 1.2 million rows and then...
Hey everyone
is there ANYWAY possible to hack SQL Server 2000 to either increase or decrease the 8K page size.
Just trying to settle a bet so even if there is any reg hacks or ANYTHING at all (best practice or not)
Thanks in advance!!!
Colin in da 'Peg :)
Does anyone have a script that will return all "online" databases on a server?
What I mean by online is available for Read/writes, etc... not in read only mode, or single user, or dba only, etc
Just something that will return all available dbs.
Thanks in advance!!!
Colin in da 'Peg :)
CREATE PROC Kill_Connections (@dbName varchar(128))
DECLARE @ProcessId varchar(4)
select spid from sysprocesses where dbid = (select dbid from sysdatabases where name = @dbName ) order by spid
OPEN CurrentProcesses
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