Actually, there's another field in the Applicants table which is the primary key and is an autonumber (AppID). The AdID field is not unique. So could I do this?
<cfquery name="addApplicant"
datasource="#variables.dbn#" dbtype="ODBC">
If the update of the Resume table happens on one file (act_Resume.cfm) and the insert into the Applicants table happens on ApplyOnline.cfm, I can't CFLOCK both things together, can I? Would I just enclose the part on the ApplyOnline.cfm file since that seems to be the problem?
Sorry if this is...
I would really appreciate it if someone could look at my code below and try to help me out. I have an application that is suppose to take info submitted in a form, update it to one table in the database and then pass variables via URL to another page where three pieces of info should be inserted...
I'm using Access and no, I'm not putting the query inside a CFTransaction tag. Does that group everything together so that other users don't interrupt that particular transaction?
About 30-45 mins after I sent the first email above, some of the info that I thought had been lost actually...
I'm trying to troubleshoot some code and I'm fairly new to this so I don't really know what to look for. I have a program that collects info from a user, inserts that info into a db table as a new record and then immediately sends an email to the user saying their info has been received.
This seems like it should be fairly simple. I queried a database and want to display the results in a table but what I'm getting is the results of the query totally unformatted and comma delimited above the table on the web page. Then the table displays correctly underneath. Why are the results...
I'm having the exact same problem as described in TulsaJeff's email and wondered if it was ever resolved. If you found a solution, TulsaJeff, I would be grateful if you shared it. I also have a situation where I need (with one click) the playhead to return to a frame in mcA which has a movie...
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